Action Import/Export Examples


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We need to give examples of how Import and Export will look in the GUI.

Import and Export are both defined as disseminators on content models.

Code is written for generating an object bundle from a PID and a view. Using this, and an XSLT we should be able to make a reasonable export service. Since we need to investigate Quadriga XML anyway, it would be a good idea to make a first shot at an XSLT generating this from a bundle. The code needs review, the XSLT needs to be written, and it needs to be wrapped in a webservice. A disseminator for this export needs to be added.

The code making objects from templates can be used in import. Since integrating with some system to import from is a non-trivial task, this functionality will be mocked up. This means we need to write code that generates some objects that MIGHT have been imported from Horizon, wrap them in a webservice, and add a disseminator for this.

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