DOMS Contents Description

This document was imported from: [http://hera/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/DOMS/Ingest/design/contentsDescription.tex?rev=HEAD contentsDescription.tex]

Author: [:bam: bam]

Object Types

All objects to be ingested in the DOMS must implement the SB type, which is summarised in [#fig1 fig. 1]. The PID of an object is 'projectname:objectname', i.e. the left side should be a known project; the right side should be 'project' for a project object and an object name for non-project objects. 'Known' projects should be specified in Fedora properties.

We do not have a final DOMS Dublin Core description (Language? Should format and rights be described in DC as well as in RELS-EXT? We talked about letting the Fedora Dublin Core be a simple 'title-holder' and then introduce an SB Dublin Core datastream. Why was that and should we?); a good suggestion can be found on [:SB_DOMS_object_structure:].

Anchor(fig1) attachment:SB_types.png

Figure 1.

All other types of objects are additions to the SB type and are summarised in figures [#fig2 2], [#fig3 3], [#fig4 4], [#fig5 5], [#fig6 6], [#fig7 7], [#fig8 8] and [#fig9 9].

We are still missing descriptions of type, rights and technical datastreams. These are necessary to define for the validation iteration

Anchor(fig2) attachment:Type_type.png

Figure 2.

Anchor(fig3) attachment:Type_rights.png

Figure 3.

Anchor(fig4) attachment:Type_non-project.png

Figure 4.

Anchor(fig5) attachment:Type_file.png

Figure 5.

Anchor(fig5) attachment:Type_image.png

Figure 5.

Anchor(fig6) attachment:Type_audio.png

Figure 6.

Anchor(fig7) attachment:Type_video.png

Figure 7.

Anchor(fig8) attachment:Type_text.png

Figure 8.

Anchor(fig9) ImageLink(http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/legacy/typeHierarchy.png?root=doms&view=co)

Figure 9. DOMS object type hierarchy. [http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/legacy/typeHierarchy.fig?root=doms&view=co Original xfig source].