This page was imported from: [http://hera/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/DOMS/Ingest/design/discussionPaper.tex?rev=HEAD discussionPaper.tex] by [:mke: mke]

Author: [:bam: bam]

DOMS Objects and Object Structure Discussion

The current (Tue Nov 21) object design and structure choices are presented briefly and a number of questions are raised.

DOMS Objects

On the page [:DOMS_objects:] three basic objects, 'Group', 'Entity' and 'Atom', are suggested. Are there differences which merit a definition of different DOMS objects? Should such 'top level object types' be defined in the 'contentModel' property (in current example all objects have contentModel 'SBOBJECT')?

There is also a question of 'ordered groups', e.g. pages in a book. There are a number of possible solutions for this...

Example objects

The 'logo1' ingest example data/ingest2Test/ in [#fig figure 1] illustrates relations between objects. The image object 'close-up' illustrates the contents of a DOMS object with type image.

Anchor(fig1) ImageLink(http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/legacy/logo1example.png?root=doms&view=co) BR BR ImageLink(http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/legacy/imageObjectExample.png?root=doms&view=co)

Figure 1. The 'logo1' ingest example 'from a distance' and an image object 'close-up'. Original xfig sources [http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/legacy/logo1example.fig?root=doms&view=co here] and [http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/legacy/imageObjectExample.fig?root=doms&view=co here].

DOMS Content Model

The content model defines the content of one DOMS object. Different types have different content models. Types are also DOMS objects and all DOMS objects reference a type using the 'isObjectType' relation - except the 'type type object'?

SB Objects

All objects are 'SB objects' and contain (see [:DOMS_Content_Model:]):

The 'Fedora Object Dublin Core datastream' is specified where? The 'SB Object Dublin Core datastream' should be specified.

The page [:SB_DOMS_object_structure:] suggests:

Type Objects

Type is a subtype of SB (type type exception)?

The 'type datastream' is yet to be defined. The type SB (all types subtypes of type SB) should be predefined (missing in example). Which other types should be predefined? Suggestions: type type, type project, type rights, type file, type logical, type image, type audio, type video, type text, type filetype (all filetypes subtypes of type filetype?), certain filetypes?

Would we like all type objects to have 'isObjectType relation' to type type and introduce a 'subtype relation' (self reference issue again)?

Rights Objects

Rights is a subtype of SB (hasRights exception)?

The 'rights datastream' should be defined.

Non-Project Objects

This is suggested on the page [:SB_DOMS_object_structure:]. This suggests an 'SB project' for types and rights objects. Perhaps the 'isPartOfProject relation' should be defined for logical objects?

File Objects

Image/Audio/Video/Text Objects
