## Action = Action System Setup Agreement = ## Detailed description of wanted output from the work to be carried out. ## E.g. Implement a utility class for writing data to a disk. The data must be base64 encoded before being written. ## Targeted WBS Tasks and Assigned Developers can be found on the iteration page for this action. As the miniDOMS is to be handed over to Maintenance, we need to have responsibilities specified. This include: * (DONE) Who will perform the ingest of objects to miniDOMS * (DONE) The final bitstorage system must be established, and agreed to by both parties * (DONE) The tomcat server must be installed, and maintenance of it must be agreed. The tomcat server must be configured to use Fedora. Total: Probably 1-2 meetings. 2 md, so that 2 persons can use 1 entire day for meetings. This should be enough. * (3 md) A general procedure for bug reports and failure handling between the DOMS team and Maintenance must be agreed upon. Helpdesk must be notified. In addition: * We need to make an agreement with Maintenance about when the work above will be completed. ==== Current status ==== DONE, if no complains arise. 13/3-08 We have reached a new agreement with the Maintenance department, described in [[MaintenanceAgreementMiniDOMS| Production Agreement]] Time used: (ABRs estimates, change as you like) * ABR: 6h * JRG: 2h * KFC: 5h ==== Old Ressources ==== We have met with Drift, to determine what they can deliver, and when. The results of this can be seen in: * [[Minutes/2007-12-20| Referat 2007-12-20]] * [[Minutes/2008-01-10| Referat 2008-01-10]] * [[Minutes/2008-01-28| Referat 2008-01-28]] * BitstorageAgreement