Action PID Generator

EK: ? ABR: 4 PKO: 3-5

Prev assigned

Tasks adressed


Time remaining
2 md

Time estimated

Time used
1md (EK) ½md (KFC)


In progress



1. Discuss the paper: IT- og Telestyrelsen (2006): Unikke identifikatorer til digitale objekter. Standard. Compiled by a working group and approved at a meeting in 2006 of Datastandardiseringskomitéen.

2. Check out the unique identifier policy of other Danish institutions, e.g. KB. and find out if there are any existing working groups.

Ad 1. The paper recommend to use Uniform Resource Name (URN), but would have recommended eXtensible Resource Identifier (XRI) as a more up-to-date and more elaborated method; but since XRI - contrary to expectation - was not accepted as standard under OASIS the working group could not recommend XRI for the time being.

URN consist of 3 parts: 1) "urn" 2) Namespace identifier (NID) 3) Namespace specific String (NSS). NID is assigned by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and NSS is managed by the organ responsible for the namespace identifier.

As a NID you can use ISBN, ISSN, UUID or other number systems. In that case the NSS is defined by the owner of the namespace.

If an organisation or a country wants its own NID, you have to apply for it at the Internet Engineering Task Force. (E.g. New Zeeland have a national namespace, NZL). The application shall also describe a possible structure for NSS and it is an obligation that the resources are available via Internet.

An alternative identifier mentioned in the paper is Universal Unique Identifier (UUID). There are more versions of UUID and the standard is described in attachment 2 to the above mentioned paper.

The characteristics of UUID are

A time based UUID can be generated locally on a computer and will be universally unique because of the combination of

You can find different UUID generators on the internet, e.g. here:

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