Attachment 'Bitstorage.xml'
Download 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=""
3 xmlns:apachesoap=""
4 xmlns:impl=""
5 xmlns:intf=""
6 xmlns:tns1=""
7 xmlns:wsdl=""
8 xmlns:wsdlsoap=""
9 xmlns:xsd="">
10 <!-- WSDL for webservice for accessing DOMS bitstorage.
11 WSDL created Oct 07, 2008 -->
12 <wsdl:types>
13 <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
14 targetNamespace=""
15 xmlns="">
16 <import namespace=""/>
17 <element name="uploadFile">
18 <wsdl:documentation>
19 Element uploadFile specifies input to the uploadFile operation.
20 </wsdl:documentation>
21 <complexType>
22 <sequence>
23 <element name="fileName" type="xsd:string">
24 <wsdl:documentation>
25 fileName input element: The filename to store
26 the file by.
27 </wsdl:documentation>
28 </element>
29 <element name="localurl" type="xsd:anyURI">
30 <wsdl:documentation>
31 localurl input element: The url to where the
32 bitstorage webservice can get the file.
33 </wsdl:documentation>
34 </element>
35 <element name="provided_md5" type="xsd:string">
36 <wsdl:documentation>
37 provided_md5 input element: The locally
38 generated md5sum of the file.
39 </wsdl:documentation>
40 </element>
41 </sequence>
42 </complexType>
43 </element>
44 <element name="uploadFileResponse">
45 <wsdl:documentation>
46 Element uploadFileResponse specifies the response from the
47 uploadFile operation.
48 </wsdl:documentation>
49 <complexType>
50 <sequence>
51 <element name="uploadFileReturn" type="impl:BitstorageFile">
52 <wsdl:documentation>
53 uploadFileReturn element: A bitstorage file object,
54 detailing the characteristics and public url of the
55 uploaded file.
56 </wsdl:documentation>
57 </element>
58 </sequence>
59 </complexType>
60 </element>
61 <complexType name="BitstorageFile">
62 <wsdl:documentation>
63 The BitstorageFile complex type is the output from
64 the uploadFile operation. BitstorageFile can provide
65 characterization output, file name, public url,
66 md5 checksum, pronom ID and validation status.
67 </wsdl:documentation>
68 <sequence>
69 <element name="characterizationOutput" nillable="true" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
70 <element name="fileName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
71 <element name="fileurl" nillable="true" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
72 <element name="md5CheckSum" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
73 <element name="pronomID" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
74 <element name="validationStatus" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
75 </sequence>
76 </complexType>
78 <element name="approveFile">
79 <wsdl:documentation>
80 Element approveFile specifies input elements to the
81 approveFile operation.
82 </wsdl:documentation>
83 <complexType>
84 <sequence>
85 <element name="fileurl" type="xsd:anyURI">
86 <wsdl:documentation>
87 fileurl input element: The url to the file (in bitstorage).
88 </wsdl:documentation>
89 </element>
90 <element name="md5sum" type="xsd:string">
91 <wsdl:documentation>
92 md5sum input element: The md5sum of the file.
93 </wsdl:documentation>
94 </element>
95 </sequence>
96 </complexType>
97 </element>
98 <element name="approveFileResponse">
99 <wsdl:documentation>
100 Element approveFileResponse specifies a void response from the
101 approveFile operation.
102 </wsdl:documentation>
103 <complexType/>
104 </element>
106 <element name="disapproveFile">
107 <wsdl:documentation>
108 Element disapproveFile specifies input elements to the
109 disapproveFile operation.
110 </wsdl:documentation>
111 <complexType>
112 <sequence>
113 <element name="fileurl" type="xsd:anyURI">
114 <wsdl:documentation>
115 fileurl input element: The url to the file (in bitstorage).
116 </wsdl:documentation>
117 </element>
118 <element name="md5sum" type="xsd:string">
119 <wsdl:documentation>
120 md5sum input element: The md5sum of the file.
121 </wsdl:documentation>
122 </element>
123 </sequence>
124 </complexType>
125 </element>
126 <element name="disapproveFileResponse">
127 <wsdl:documentation>
128 Element disapproveFileResponse specifies a void response
129 from the disapproveFile operation.
130 </wsdl:documentation>
131 <complexType/>
132 </element>
134 <element name="spaceLeft">
135 <wsdl:documentation>
136 Element spaceLeft specifies _no_ input elements to the
137 spaceLeft operation.
138 </wsdl:documentation>
139 <complexType/>
140 </element>
141 <element name="spaceLeftResponse">
142 <wsdl:documentation>
143 Element spaceLeftResponse specifies response from the
144 spaceLeft operation.
145 </wsdl:documentation>
146 <complexType>
147 <sequence>
148 <element name="spaceLeftReturn" type="xsd:long"/>
149 </sequence>
150 </complexType>
151 </element>
153 <!-- The fault elements specify, the possible exceptions of the
154 operations uploadFile, approveFile, disapproveFile, spaceLeft.
155 The Exceptions are: CannotGetFile, InvalidFileName,
156 CannotStoreFile, WrongChecksum, CharacterizationFailed,
157 DifferentFileWithThatNameExist. -->
158 <element name="fault" type="tns1:CannotGetFile"/>
159 <element name="fault1" type="tns1:InvalidFileName"/>
160 <element name="fault2" type="tns1:CannotStoreFile"/>
161 <element name="fault3" type="tns1:WrongChecksum"/>
162 <element name="fault4" type="tns1:CharacterizationFailed"/>
163 <element name="fault5" type="tns1:DifferentFileWithThatNameExist"/>
164 <element name="fault6" type="tns1:UnknownURI"/>
165 </schema>
167 <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
168 targetNamespace=""
169 xmlns="">
170 <import namespace=""/>
171 <complexType name="CannotGetFile">
172 <wsdl:documentation>
173 Exception CannotGetFile is thrown if the service cannot get
174 the file from the localurl.
175 </wsdl:documentation>
176 <sequence>
177 <element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
178 </sequence>
179 </complexType>
180 <complexType name="InvalidFileName">
181 <wsdl:documentation>
182 Exception InvalidFileName is thrown if the provided fileName
183 is invalid.
184 </wsdl:documentation>
185 <sequence>
186 <element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
187 </sequence>
188 </complexType>
189 <complexType name="CannotStoreFile">
190 <wsdl:documentation>
191 Exception CannotStoreFile is thrown if the service cannot store
192 the file on the server.
193 </wsdl:documentation>
194 <sequence>
195 <element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
196 </sequence>
197 </complexType>
198 <complexType name="WrongChecksum">
199 <wsdl:documentation>
200 Exception WrongChecksum is thrown if the provided checksum
201 does not match.
202 </wsdl:documentation>
203 <sequence>
204 <element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
205 </sequence>
206 </complexType>
207 <complexType name="CharacterizationFailed">
208 <wsdl:documentation>
209 Exception CharacterizationFailed is thrown if the
210 characterization service failed somehow.
211 </wsdl:documentation>
212 <sequence>
213 <element name="s" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
214 </sequence>
215 </complexType>
216 <complexType name="DifferentFileWithThatNameExist">
217 <wsdl:documentation>
218 Exception DifferentFileWithThatNameExist is thrown if there is
219 already a file with that name, but a different checksum.
220 </wsdl:documentation>
221 <sequence>
222 <element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
223 </sequence>
224 </complexType>
225 <complexType name="UnknownURI">
226 <wsdl:documentation>
227 Exception UnknownURI is thrown if the URI is not known to this
228 bitstorage.
229 </wsdl:documentation>
230 <sequence/>
231 </complexType>
232 </schema>
233 </wsdl:types>
235 <wsdl:message name="spaceLeftRequest">
236 <wsdl:part element="impl:spaceLeft" name="parameters"/>
237 </wsdl:message>
238 <wsdl:message name="UnknownURI">
239 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault6" name="fault"/>
240 </wsdl:message>
241 <wsdl:message name="CannotGetFile">
242 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault" name="fault"/>
243 </wsdl:message>
244 <wsdl:message name="uploadFileResponse">
245 <wsdl:part element="impl:uploadFileResponse" name="parameters"/>
246 </wsdl:message>
247 <wsdl:message name="approveFileRequest">
248 <wsdl:part element="impl:approveFile" name="parameters"/>
249 </wsdl:message>
250 <wsdl:message name="DifferentFileWithThatNameExist">
251 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault5" name="fault"/>
252 </wsdl:message>
253 <wsdl:message name="spaceLeftResponse">
254 <wsdl:part element="impl:spaceLeftResponse" name="parameters"/>
255 </wsdl:message>
256 <wsdl:message name="approveFileResponse">
257 <wsdl:part element="impl:approveFileResponse" name="parameters"/>
258 </wsdl:message>
259 <wsdl:message name="disapproveFileRequest">
260 <wsdl:part element="impl:disapproveFile" name="parameters"/>
261 </wsdl:message>
262 <wsdl:message name="uploadFileRequest">
263 <wsdl:part element="impl:uploadFile" name="parameters"/>
264 </wsdl:message>
265 <wsdl:message name="CharacterizationFailed">
266 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault4" name="fault"/>
267 </wsdl:message>
268 <wsdl:message name="disapproveFileResponse">
269 <wsdl:part element="impl:disapproveFileResponse" name="parameters"/>
270 </wsdl:message>
271 <wsdl:message name="CannotStoreFile">
272 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault2" name="fault"/>
273 </wsdl:message>
274 <wsdl:message name="InvalidFileName">
275 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault1" name="fault"/>
276 </wsdl:message>
277 <wsdl:message name="WrongChecksum">
278 <wsdl:part element="impl:fault3" name="fault"/>
279 </wsdl:message>
281 <wsdl:portType name="TestBedBitstorage">
282 <wsdl:operation name="uploadFile">
283 <wsdl:documentation>
284 Operation uploadFile uploads the provided file to the temporary
285 area of bitstorage, giving it the provided file name.
286 Returns the MD5 checksum of the file.
287 The file is only uploaded to a temporary approve-area of
288 the bitstorage, and needs to be approved by calling approveFile
289 before it is actually moved to the permanent bitstorage.
291 If you try to upload a file that is already there, it checks the
292 provided md5 against the md5 of the file on the server. If they
293 match, there is no upload, you just get the return about the file
294 already there. If they do not match, an exception is thrown.
295 </wsdl:documentation>
296 <wsdl:input message="impl:uploadFileRequest" name="uploadFileRequest"/>
297 <wsdl:output message="impl:uploadFileResponse" name="uploadFileResponse"/>
298 <wsdl:fault message="impl:CannotGetFile" name="CannotGetFile"/>
299 <wsdl:fault message="impl:CharacterizationFailed" name="CharacterizationFailed"/>
300 <wsdl:fault message="impl:DifferentFileWithThatNameExist" name="DifferentFileWithThatNameExist"/>
301 <wsdl:fault message="impl:CannotStoreFile" name="CannotStoreFile"/>
302 <wsdl:fault message="impl:InvalidFileName" name="InvalidFileName"/>
303 <wsdl:fault message="impl:WrongChecksum" name="WrongChecksum"/>
304 </wsdl:operation>
306 <wsdl:operation name="approveFile">
307 <wsdl:documentation>
308 Operation approveFile checks the earlier uploaded file against the
309 provided checksum, and if this succeeds, and possibly other
310 criteria are met, moves the file from the temporary area of
311 bitstorage to the permanent bitstorage.
313 If you call this method on an already approved file, with the
314 correct checksum, nothing happens.
315 If the checksum is wrong, you get an exception.
316 </wsdl:documentation>
317 <wsdl:input message="impl:approveFileRequest" name="approveFileRequest"/>
318 <wsdl:output message="impl:approveFileResponse" name="approveFileResponse"/>
319 <wsdl:fault message="impl:CannotStoreFile" name="CannotStoreFile"/>
320 <wsdl:fault message="impl:WrongChecksum" name="WrongChecksum"/>
321 <wsdl:fault message="impl:UnknownURI" name="UnknownURI"/>
322 </wsdl:operation>
324 <wsdl:operation name="disapproveFile">
325 <wsdl:documentation>
326 Operation disapproveFile deletes the named file from bitstorage.
327 Only works for files that have not yet been approved.
329 If the file is not in temporary bitstorage nothing happens.
330 </wsdl:documentation>
331 <wsdl:input message="impl:disapproveFileRequest" name="disapproveFileRequest"/>
332 <wsdl:output message="impl:disapproveFileResponse" name="disapproveFileResponse"/>
333 <wsdl:fault message="impl:WrongChecksum" name="WrongChecksum"/>
334 <wsdl:fault message="impl:UnknownURI" name="UnknownURI"/>
335 </wsdl:operation>
337 <wsdl:operation name="spaceLeft">
338 <wsdl:documentation>
339 Operation spaceLeft returns the number of bytes left in bitstorage.
340 </wsdl:documentation>
341 <wsdl:input message="impl:spaceLeftRequest" name="spaceLeftRequest"/>
342 <wsdl:output message="impl:spaceLeftResponse" name="spaceLeftResponse"/>
343 </wsdl:operation>
345 </wsdl:portType>
347 <wsdl:binding name="BitstorageSoapBinding" type="impl:TestBedBitstorage">
349 <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
351 <wsdl:operation name="uploadFile">
352 <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
353 <wsdl:input name="uploadFileRequest">
354 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
355 </wsdl:input>
356 <wsdl:output name="uploadFileResponse">
357 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
358 </wsdl:output>
359 <wsdl:fault name="CannotGetFile">
360 <wsdlsoap:fault name="CannotGetFile" use="literal"/>
361 </wsdl:fault>
362 <wsdl:fault name="CharacterizationFailed">
363 <wsdlsoap:fault name="CharacterizationFailed" use="literal"/>
364 </wsdl:fault>
365 <wsdl:fault name="DifferentFileWithThatNameExist">
366 <wsdlsoap:fault name="DifferentFileWithThatNameExist" use="literal"/>
367 </wsdl:fault>
368 <wsdl:fault name="CannotStoreFile">
369 <wsdlsoap:fault name="CannotStoreFile" use="literal"/>
370 </wsdl:fault>
371 <wsdl:fault name="InvalidFileName">
372 <wsdlsoap:fault name="InvalidFileName" use="literal"/>
373 </wsdl:fault>
374 <wsdl:fault name="WrongChecksum">
375 <wsdlsoap:fault name="WrongChecksum" use="literal"/>
376 </wsdl:fault>
377 </wsdl:operation>
379 <wsdl:operation name="approveFile">
380 <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
381 <wsdl:input name="approveFileRequest">
382 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
383 </wsdl:input>
384 <wsdl:output name="approveFileResponse">
385 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
386 </wsdl:output>
387 <wsdl:fault name="CannotStoreFile">
388 <wsdlsoap:fault name="CannotStoreFile" use="literal"/>
389 </wsdl:fault>
390 <wsdl:fault name="WrongChecksum">
391 <wsdlsoap:fault name="WrongChecksum" use="literal"/>
392 </wsdl:fault>
393 <wsdl:fault name="UnknownURI">
394 <wsdlsoap:fault name="UnknownURI" use="literal"/>
395 </wsdl:fault>
396 </wsdl:operation>
398 <wsdl:operation name="disapproveFile">
399 <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
400 <wsdl:input name="disapproveFileRequest">
401 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
402 </wsdl:input>
403 <wsdl:output name="disapproveFileResponse">
404 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
405 </wsdl:output>
406 <wsdl:fault name="WrongChecksum">
407 <wsdlsoap:fault name="WrongChecksum" use="literal"/>
408 </wsdl:fault>
409 <wsdl:fault name="UnknownURI">
410 <wsdlsoap:fault name="UnknownURI" use="literal"/>
411 </wsdl:fault>
412 </wsdl:operation>
414 <wsdl:operation name="spaceLeft">
415 <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
416 <wsdl:input name="spaceLeftRequest">
417 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
418 </wsdl:input>
419 <wsdl:output name="spaceLeftResponse">
420 <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
421 </wsdl:output>
422 </wsdl:operation>
424 </wsdl:binding>
426 <wsdl:service name="TestBedBitstorageService">
427 <wsdl:documentation>
428 Webservice for accessing DOMS TestBed Bitstorage.
429 Working with the Bitstorage goes like this:
431 Upload the provided file to the temporary area of bitstorage,
432 giving it the provided file name.
434 The file is only uploaded to a temporary approve-area of
435 the bitstorage, and needs to be approved by calling approveFile before
436 it is actually moved to the permanent bitstorage.
438 If you try to upload a file that is already there, it checks the provided
439 md5 against the md5 of the file on the server. If they match, there is no
440 upload, you just get the return about the file already there.
441 If they do not match, an exception is thrown.
442 </wsdl:documentation>
443 <wsdl:port binding="impl:BitstorageSoapBinding" name="Bitstorage">
444 <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/Bitstorage/services/Bitstorage"/>
445 </wsdl:port>
446 </wsdl:service>
448 </wsdl:definitions>
Attached Files
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