Bit storage
IT bit storage offers:
- Three copies - one disk, two tape
- Monthly checks of disk-copy
- Checks every three year on tape copies while rewriting. Note: Tapes guarantee 15 years.
- Possibly we could raise checks to once every year. Must find out what requirements are.
- We can access the files through HTTP. IT will host the apache
URL will be of type<<storagetype>>/<<fileid>>
<<storagetype>> is the general storage collection the file belongs to
<<fileid>> may contain 'directories' with / delimiter
- We can implement authorization with an e-ticket in a cookie
- The Apache server will support HTTP/1.1, including asking for partial files
- We can get access to the MD5 checksum for stored files
- Files are available from disk storage, giving fast access times
- It will also be possible to have read-only shell access to files on rigel, if needed.
- A script currently available to 'Statens Arkiver' can be extended to be used for us to store files
- We will give a directory/file and a storage location, and we will get an MD5 checksum back. When we acknowledge the checksum, the file is then read-only
- It will be possible to have storage areas with different bitstorage guarantees: 1 tape copy, 2 tape copies