Release test step: Check Connection Sabotage Failure
Check the logs
Change directory to the ingest directory, e.g.
cd ingest-0.1/doms-ingest-0.0.1
Read the file log/ingest.log
Check that a log messages exist on level ERROR describing that connection was lost to Fedora.
Check the report
Read the file failure/base/errors.log
It should mention that connection was lost to Fedora and some files were not ingested.
Check that success/base does not exist (or no files exist there), and that some files exist in failure/base
Check the Fedora repository
Restart Fedora. Go to the doms test directory, e.g.
cd myDoms
run the start command
Go to http://localhost:7900/fedora/search
Search for doms:*
There should be some of the objects in failure/base, but not all of them.