= Gentofte Revyerne = ''TODO'': Remove references to the word 'Gentofte' The purpose of this page is to document the metadata model chosen for the Gentofte Collection of Bil-, Båd-, and MC-Revys. == About the Gentofte Revys == .Project home page: http://www.statsbiblioteket.dk/gentofte/ .Old analysis from DOMS pilot: [[Årbøger]] The Gentofte project is about collecting snapshots of articles present in a collection of Danish magazines. The subjects of these magazines are * Cars (Bil Revyen) * Boats (Båd Revyen) * Hifi (Hifi Revyen) (Not included yet) * Motor Cycles (MC Revyen) The users can browse in a tree structure {{{ Magazine -> Year -> Category -> Model }}} When a specific model is selected the user is presented with a scanned GIF or JPEG image with the option to download a PDF for printing purposes. When a magazine has been selected the user has two other options: * Get an alphabetically sorted list of manufacturers where she can browse each manufacturer for the known models * Search on a model name == Technical Analysis == On the server side the data is stored in a a file system with the file path encoding all the metadata. The paths construct is as follows {{{ -revyen///__.{jpg,gif} }}} All files are accompanied by a {{{pdf}}} version. Earlier documents are {{{gif}}} files while later documents are {{{jpg}}} files. Not all files are reviews. Examples include commercials, articles or pricelists. These will not have a manufacturer and the path will look like this. Technically, you can often decide if there should be an manufacturer based on the category. {{{ -revyen///.{jpg,gif} }}} The central object is the specific product presented on each page. We shall refer to each such entity as an '''item'''. Ie, an item is a specific model car, boat, or motor cycle (or possibly an article or a commercial). From the above path we see that an item has the following metadata (in the case of articles and commercials, the first field are not relevant) ||<( colspan=2>'''Item Metadata''' || ||<)> ''Manufacturer'' || The company producing the item (if a review)|| ||<)> ''Model Name'' || The model name as attributed by the manufacturer (if a review) || ||<)> ''Article Name || The title of the article (for reviews _) || ||<)> ''Parent Magazine'' || The magazine in which it appeared || ||<)> ''Publication Year''|| For what we know, the year in which the item appeared in the parent magazine || ||<)> ''Category'' || A human categorization in a non-controlled vocabulary || ||<)> ''Additional Media''|| The matching PDF file and image || == Metadata Model == The obvious candidates for Fedora objects are the items themselves as well as the magazines. In addition to this it has also been chosen to let the manufacturer be an object. That way it is more easily extensible in the future should we want to add metadata to the manufacturers. All the following TYPE objects has a "isObjectType" relation to doms:Type_type and an "extendsType" relation to "doms:Type_DOMS". We use the {{{revy}}} namespace for relations. . '''doms:Type_revy''' . '''PID''' . {{{doms:}}} . '''Datastreams''' . '''DomsDC''' * dc:title= <
> . '''doms:Type_review_item''' ''doms:extendsType'' '''doms:Type_Image''' and '''doms:Type_Text''' . '''PID''' . {{{doms:__revyItem}}} . '''Datastreams''' . '''DomsDC''' * dc:title= * dc:creator= * dc:subject= . '''Additional Relations''' . {{{revy:isPartOfRevyYearbook (Type_revy_yearbook)}}} . {{{revy:hasManufacturer (Type_manufacturer)}}} (optional) <
> . '''doms:Type_manufacturer''' . '''PID''' . {{{doms:_manufacturer}}} . '''Datastreams''' . '''DomsDC''' * dc:title= <
> . '''doms:Type_revy_yearbook''' . '''PID''' . {{{doms:__yearbook}}} . '''Additional Relations''' . {{{revy:isPartOfRevy (Type_revy)}}} . '''Datastreams''' . '''DomsDC''' * dc:title=_ * dc:creator= * dcterms:issued= === Example Diagram === [[http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/examples/gentofte/revy.png?root=doms&view=co|{{http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/examples/gentofte/revy.png?root=doms&view=co}}]] [[http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/examples/gentofte/revy.dia?root=doms&view=co|Original dia source]]. === Example FoxML === [[http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/test/data/iteration7_testcollection/?root=doms|review collection example in SVN]].