= Type_DOMS = All objects to be ingested in the DOMS must implement the Type_DOMS (ie. contain all the elements described), which is summarised below. The Type_DOMS object is the bottom of the "extendsType" relation defined by [[DataModel/Type type| Type_type]]. ---- .'''PID''' .'''Properties''' .'''type''' will always be "!FedoraObject" (the only other legal values are behaviour definitions and mechanisms)) .'''state''' will always start as "A" for Active; defined by Fedora .'''label''' e.g. "SB Logo"; used for admin access to Fedora, which means that poor labels are only an annoyance, not a real problem. The TYPE of object, in a human readable format. .'''contentModel''' will always be "DOMSOBJECT", as our types are described through the ''isObjectType'' relation .'''Datastreams''' .'''Dublin Core''' restricted [[DataModel/Datastream DublinCore| Dublin Core datastream]] used by Fedora * dc:title .'''DOMS Dublin Core''' qualified [[DataModel/Datastream DublinCore| Dublin Core datastream]] used by our DOMS * dc:title .'''Relations''' [[DataModel/Datastream Relations| RDF relations]] to other objects (''RELS-EXT'') .'''oai:itemID''' = PID .'''isObjectType -> Type Object''' relation to object with object type [[DataModel/Type type| Type type]], defining the type of this object .'''hasRights -> Rights Object''' relation to object with object type [[DataModel/Type rights| Type rights]], defining rights to this object .'''+isPartOfCollection -> Collection Object''' relation to object with object type [[DataModel/Type collection| Type collection]] ## .'''Administrative''' datastream for administrative metadata, such as ? .'''[[DataModel/Disseminators| Disseminators]]''' .'''?VIDEO_PRESENTATION (startMilliSecs, maxMilliSecs) -> MPEG2''' Uses a webservice to only return the bit of a video stream between startMilliSecs and maxMilliSecs, in MPEG2. .'''?SOUND_PRESENTATION (startMilliSecs, maxMilliSecs) -> MP3''' Uses a webservice to only return the bit of an audio stream between startMilliSecs and maxMilliSecs, in MP3. .'''?IMAGE_PRESENTATION (maxWidth, maxHeight) -> PNG''' Uses a webservice to rescale an image to the specified height and width. .'''?TEXT_PRESENTATION (start, maxChars) -> UTF-8 TXT''' Uses a webservice to return a part of a text. .'''?INDEX_REPRESENTATION -> XML''' Returns XML that represents the metadata stored in the object. Provided for SUMMA integration. ---- The FoxML object can be found [[http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/data/doms_base_collection/domsBaseTypeDOMSObject.xml?root=doms&view=markup|here]]