The contents of the generalized DataModel is attempted displayed in the Diagram.
The first Division is between the bibliographical metadata and the technical metadata.
The bibliographical metadata deals purely with content, and is suggested described using (possibly modified) FRBR. FRBR use is discussed in Tasks/1/1/1 and Tasks/1/1/2. This metadata must likely be input by librarians.
The technical metadata contains:
- Information about the generation of the file such as digitalization (eg. scanning for for a previously published book) or creation (digital native format). This is noted as the Digitalization Metadata.
- Information about the original object digitized (again eg the previously published book). This corresponds strongly to FRBRs item element. This is noted as Object Metadata.
- Secondary information deals with elements such as pictures of a cover, lyrics for a CD or documentation of how the middle 5 mins of a sound track is missing because of a physical damage to the original magnetic tape. This particular element is not mandatory for a given digital object.
These types of metadata can likely be generated in part or in full via automation during the digitalization process.