
Those trained by the academic tradition of the western like to think in terms of categories and collections. Categories in Fedora is modelled by the Content Models, but there is no system in place for Collections.

The DOMS system will be a system that models several collections of digital objects. Each object belongs to one or more collections. This is represented by having one or more "isPartOfCollection" relations to the parent collections. This goes for a collection object as well - it belongs to another collection. One collection has special status though: the "doms:Root_Collection" does not belong to any other collection, and is thus the bottom element for the "isPartOfCollection" relation. Every other collection has a "isPartOfCollection" relation to "doms:Root_Collection".

In addition, DOMS contains another special collection - the "doms:DOMS_Base_Collection". This collection provides objects such as content models and licenses that are utilized by (and mandatory for) the other collections in the DOMS. This collection is meant to be ingested as the first collection in the DOMS.