Doms Predefined Objects

Doms come with some predefined objects. Most of these carry heavy semantic meaning in regards to the overall DataModel.

DOMS Base Collection

ImageLink(http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/docs/datamodel/fig/DOMSBaseCollection.png?root=doms&view=co,alt=DOMS base collection,width=256)

Doms come shipped with a base collection of objects, representing the base types. The objects in the base collection will be detailed in the following.

Objects relevant to the internal working of DOMS

Objects for adding extra meaning to data objects

Objects describing a single audio file should use these content models

Objects describing a single image file should use these content models

Objects describing a single video file should use these content models

Objects describing a single text file should use these content models

Working with the Data model

Doms contains a number of content models. These are meant to serve as the basic buildingblocks for data models for new collections. A datamodel is, of course, not restricted to use only these content models, it can, and should, define it's own. All new content models, should extend doms:ContentModel_DOMS, and all objects that need to reference files outside Fedora should have a content model that derive from doms:ContentModel_File and so on. The content models that provide extra meaning are optional to use, and should at least be extended for the relevant collection.

Most data models are structured around some realworld concept, like a CD, modelled as a digital object. This object will be described by a content model that is totally collection specific, only extending doms:ContentModel_DOMS. It will probably have relations to digital objects, like tracks. These will be described by a content model that extends doms:ContentModel_Audio. Each of these will tracks must then reference a audio preservation file object, or some subtype of this. This is the best practice for constructing data models.