API-A (Fedora Access service API)
Repository Access
Gets information that describes the repository.
String repositoryName - The name of the Repository. Set in fedora.fcfg. Default "Fedora Repository"
String repositoryVersion - The version of Fedora running. Fedora 3.0 returns "3.0"
String repositoryBaseURL - The repository base url set in fedora.fcfg. Default "http://localhost:8080/fedora"
String repositoryPIDNamespace - The prefix to use for newly generated PIDs
String defaultExportFormat
String OAINamespace - The oai namespace. Default "example.org"
String[] adminEmailList - The email to the administrator. Default "bob@example.org" and "sally@example.org". Defined in fedora.fcfg.
String samplePID - An example pid, to show how to refer to objects. "doms:100"
String sampleOAIIdentifier - An example oai identifier, to show how to refer to records. Example: "oai:example.org:doms:100"
String sampleSearchURL - The url to the search service for the repository. Default "http://localhost:8080/fedora/search"
String sampleAccessURL - The url to an example object in the repository. Default "http://localhost:8080/fedora/get/demo:5"
String sampleOAIURL - The url to an oai record. Default "http://localhost:8080/fedora/oai?verb=Identify"
String[] retainPIDs - The list of pid prefixes, that cause the pid to not be autogenerated.
Object Access
Gets the ObjectProfile of an object, which includes key metadata fields and URLs for the object Dissemination Index and the object Item Index. Can be thought of as a default view of the object.
Input parameters:
String pid The pid of the object.
String asOfDateTime The date/time stamp specifying the desired version of the object. If null, the current version of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.
ObjectProfile Contains these fields
String pid
String objLabel
String[] objModels
String objCreateDate
String objLastModDate
String objDissIndexViewURL
String objItemIndexViewURL
Gets a list of timestamps that correspond to modification dates of components. This currently includes changes to Datastreams and disseminators.
Input parameters:
String pid The pid of the object.
String[] An array containing the list of timestamps indicating when changes were made to the object.
Lists the specified fields of each object matching the given criteria.
Input parameters:
String[] resultfields} The names of the fields to return.
int maxResults The maximum number of results to return at a time.
FieldSearchQuery query: The terms or conditions for the search. Either terms or conditions are used, not both.
String terms: The search terms
Condition[] conditions: The conditions on the results
String property: The property to condition. Possible fields are the same as for resultfields.
Operator operator: Possible values are: "has", "eq", "lt", "le", "gt" and "ge"
String value: The value the constrained property must adhere to
The possible values for resultfield are the following:
- Key fields: pid, label, state, ownerId, cDate, mDate, dcmDate
- Dublin core fields: title, creator, subject, description, publisher, contributor, date, format, identifier, source, language, relation, coverage, rights
ListSession listsession The information nessesary for resuming the search.
String token: The token to be used in resumeFindObjects
int cursor: The index of the first object in this resultlist, in the complete resultlist.
int completeListSize: The size of the complete resultlist.
String expirationDate: The expirationdate for the token. The last time when the search can be resumed.
ObjectFields[] resultlist: the specified fields of each object matching the given criteria.
String pid Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String label Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String state Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String ownerId Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String cDate Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String mDate Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String dcmDate Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] title Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] creator Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] subject Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] description Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] publisher Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] contributor Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] date Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] type Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] format Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] identifier Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] source Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] language Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] relation Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] coverage Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
String[] rights Only set if the relevant field was set in resultfields
Datastream Access
Lists the datastreams of an object. See also getDatastreamDissemination
Input parameters:
String pid The pid of the object.
String asOfDateTime The date/time stamp specifying the desired version of the object. If null, the current version of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.
String ID
String label
String MIMEType
Gets the content of a datastream. See also listDatastreams
Input parameters:
String pid The PID of the object.
String dsID The datastream ID.
String asOfDateTime A dateTime indicating the version of the datastream to retrieve. If null, Fedora will use the most recent version.
String MIMEType
byte[] stream The contents of the Stream
Property[] header The header will be empty, or if applicable, contain the http header as name/value pairs.
String name
String value
Dissemination Access
Lists all the methods that the object supports. See also getDissemination
Each method can take a number of paramethers. Each parameter for a method has a name, and a type. The possible values of a parameter depends on its type. It can be bound to a datastream in the object, it can have a hardcoded value or it can be defined by the caller.
Each parameter is defined to be passed by reference or passed by value.
Input parameters:
String pid The pid of the object.
String asOfDateTime The date/time stamp specifying the desired version of the object. If null, the current version of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.
String PID
String serviceDefinitionPID
String methodName
MethodParmDef[] methodParmDefs
String parmName The name of the parameter.
String parmType The type of the parameter. Restricted to "fedora:datastreamInputType", "fedora:userInputType" or "fedora:defaultInputType"
String parmDefaultValue If the parmType is default, this is the value that will be used. Null if other type.
String[] parmDomainValues If the parameter can be defined by the user, these are the possible values. Null if other type.
boolean parmRequired False, if this parameter can be left out of a call.
String parmLabel The label for the parameter. Can be null.
String parmPassBy The method of passing the paramenter. Restricted to "URL_REF" (if the parameter is pass by reference - by an url) and "VALUE" (if the parameter is pass by value)
String asOfDate
Disseminates the content produced by executing the method specified in the service definition associated the specified digital object. See also listMethods
Input parameters:
String pid The pid of the object.
String serviceDefinitionPid The PID of the Service Definition object.
String methodName The name of the method to be executed.
Property[] parameters name-value pairs.
String name
String value
String asOfDateTime The versioning dateTime. If null, Fedora will use the most recent version.
String MIMEType
byte[] stream The contents of the Stream
Property[] header The header will be empty, or if applicable, contain the http header as name/value pairs.
String name
String value