Differences between revisions 6 and 20 (spanning 14 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2008-09-30 10:53:41
Size: 5393
Editor: jrg
Revision 20 as of 2008-10-01 10:56:51
Size: 14021
Editor: jrg
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Descriptions in the following were copied from the Fedora documentation at http://www.fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/API-M.

=== API-M ===
Descriptions in the following were copied (in part) from the Fedora documentation at http://www.fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/API-M and http://www.fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/API-A.

=== API-M (Fedora Management service API) ===
Line 47: Line 47:
Creates a new Datastream in the object.
Line 53: Line 54:
 * {{{boolean versionable}}} Enable versioning of the datastream.  * {{{boolean versionable}}} Enable versioning of the datastream. This should be on for DOMS GUI usages.
Line 56: Line 57:
 * {{{String dsLocation}}} Location of managed or external datastream content.
 * {{{String controlGroup}}} One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced).
 * {{{String dsState}}} One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive).
 * {{{String checksumType}}} The algorithm used to compute the checksum. One of "DEFAULT", "DISABLED", "MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-385", "SHA-512", "HAVAL", "TIGER", "WHIRLPOOL".
 * {{{String dsLocation}}} Location of managed, redirect, or external referenced datastream content.
 * {{{String controlGroup}}} One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced). For DOMS GUI, use Inline XML or External Referenced.
 * {{{String dsState}}} One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive). Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.
 * {{{String checksumType}}} The algorithm used to compute the checksum. For DOMS GUI usage, may take value "DISABLED" or "MD5".
Line 68: Line 69:
Creates a new relationship in the object. Adds the specified relationship to the object's RELS-EXT Datastream. If the Resource Index is enabled, the relationship will be added to the Resource Index.
Line 81: Line 83:
Verifies that the Datastream content has not changed since the checksum was initially computed.
Line 92: Line 95:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Gets the specified datastream.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The pid of the object.
 * {{{String dsID}}} The datastream ID.
 * {{{String asOfDateTime}}} The date/time stamp specifying the desired view of the object. If null, the current view of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.

 * {{{Datastream}}} The specified datastream. (See definition of {{{Datastream}}} under Data structures below)
Line 101: Line 107:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Gets all versions of a datastream, sorted from most to least recent.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The pid of the object.
 * {{{String asOfDateTime}}} The date/time stamp specifying the desired view of the object. If null, the current view of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.
 * {{{String dsState}}} One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive). Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.

 * {{{Datastream[]}}} All versions of a datastream, sorted from most to least recent. (See definition of {{{Datastream}}} under Data structures below)
Line 110: Line 119:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Get the relationships asserted in the object's RELS-EXT Datastream that match the given criteria.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String relationship}}} The predicate to match. A null value matches all predicates.

 * {{{RelationshipTuple[]}}} An array of RelationshipTuples, each containing the subject, predicate and object matching the search criteria. (See definition of {{{RelationshipTuple}}} under Data structures below)
Line 119: Line 130:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Creates a new digital object in the repository. The object's initial state will be A (active). If the XML document does not specify the OBJID attribute of the root element, the repository will generate and return a new pid for the object resulting from this request. That pid will have the namespace of the repository. If the XML document specifies a pid, it will be assigned to the digital object provided that 1. it conforms to the Fedora pid Syntax, 2. it uses a namespace that matches the "retainPIDs" value configured for the repository, and 3. it does not collide with an existing pid of an object in the repository.

Input parameters:
 * {{{byte[] objectXML}}} The digital object in an XML submission format.
 * {{{String format}}} The XML format of objectXML, e.g. "info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.1", "info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.0", "info:fedora/fedora-system:METSFedoraExt-1.1", or "info:fedora/fedora-system:ATOM-1.0".
 * {{{String logMessage}}} A log message.

 * {{{String}}} The pid of the newly created object.
Line 130: Line 144:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String dsID}}} The datastream ID.
 * {{{String[] altIDs}}} Alternate identifiers for the datastream, if any.
 * {{{String dsLabel}}} The label for the datastream.
 * {{{String MIMEType}}} The mime type.
 * {{{String formatURI}}} Optional format URI of the datastream.
 * {{{String dsLocation}}} Location of managed, redirect, or external referenced datastream content.
 * {{{String checksumType}}} The algorithm used to compute the checksum. For DOMS GUI usage, may take value "DISABLED" or "MD5".
 * {{{String checksum}}} The value of the checksum represented as a hexadecimal string.
 * {{{String logMessage}}} A log message.
 * {{{boolean force}}} Force the update even if it would break a data contract.

 * {{{String}}} The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
Line 137: Line 161:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Modifies an existing Datastream in an object, by value. This operation is only valid for Inline XML Datastreams (i.e. controlGroup "X").

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String dsID}}} The datastream ID.
 * {{{String[] altIDs}}} Alternate identifiers for the datastream, if any.
 * {{{String dsLabel}}} The label for the datastream.
 * {{{String MIMEType}}} The mime type.
 * {{{String formatURI}}} Optional format URI of the datastream.
 * {{{byte[] dsContent}}} The content of the datastream.
 * {{{String checksumType}}} The algorithm used to compute the checksum. For DOMS GUI usage, may take value "DISABLED" or "MD5".
 * {{{String checksum}}} The value of the checksum represented as a hexadecimal string.
 * {{{String logMessage}}} A log message.
 * {{{boolean force}}} Force the update even if it would break a data contract.

 * {{{String}}} The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
Line 146: Line 181:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Modify an object.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String state}}} The new state, "A", "I" or "D". Null means leave unchanged. Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.
 * {{{String label}}} the new label. Null means leave unchanged.
 * {{{String ownerId}}} The ownerId for the object.
 * {{{String logMessage}}} A log message.

 * {{{String}}} The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
Line 155: Line 195:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Delete the specified relationship. This method will remove the specified relationship(s) from the RELS-EXT datastream. If the Resource Index is enabled, this will also delete the corresponding triples from the Resource Index.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String relationship}}} The predicate, null matches any predicate.
 * {{{String object}}} The object, null matches any object.
 * {{{boolean isLiteral}}} A boolean value indicating whether the object is a literal.
 * {{{String datatype}}} The datatype of the literal. Optional.

 * {{{boolean}}} True if and only if the relationship was purged.
Line 164: Line 209:

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}
Sets the state of a Datastream to the specified state value.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String dsID}}} The datastream ID.
 * {{{String dsState}}} One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive). Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.
 * {{{String logMessage}}} A log message.

 * {{{String}}} The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
Line 178: Line 227:
=== API-A === === API-A (Fedora Access service API) ===

==== describeRepository ====
Gets information that describes the repository.

 * {{{RepositoryInfo}}} A data structure that contains key metadata describing the Fedora repository server including repository name, version, base URL, pid namespace, and sample request URLs. (See definition of {{{RepositoryInfo}}} under Data structures below)

==== getDatastreamDissemination ====
Gets the content of a datastream.

Input parameters:
 * {{{String pid}}} The PID of the object.
 * {{{String dsID}}} The datastream ID.
 * {{{String asOfDateTime}}} A dateTime indicating the version of the datastream to retrieve. If null, Fedora will use the most recent version.

 * {{{MIMETypedStream}}} The datastream as a mime-typed stream. (See definition of {{{MIMETypedStream}}} under Data structures below)

==== getDissemination ====

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}

==== getObjectHistory ====

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}

==== getObjectProfile ====

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}

==== listDatastreams ====

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}

==== listMethods ====

Input parameters:
 * {{{}}}

 * {{{}}}

=== Data structures ===

==== Datastream ====
Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.

 * {{{DatastreamControlGroup controlGroup}}}
 * {{{String ID}}}
 * {{{String versionID}}}
 * {{{String[] altIDs}}}
 * {{{String label}}}
 * {{{boolean versionable}}}
 * {{{String MIMEType}}}
 * {{{String formatURI}}}
 * {{{String createDate}}}
 * {{{long size}}}
 * {{{String state}}}
 * {{{String location}}}
 * {{{String checksumType}}}
 * {{{String checksum}}}

==== DatastreamControlGroup ====
Contains the following public methods.

 * {{{DatastreamControlGroup fromValue(String value)}}}
 * {{{DatastreamControlGroup fromString(String value)}}}
 * {{{String getValue()}}}

The allowed values are "E", "M", "X" and "R". (External Referenced, Managed Content, Inline XML, Redirect)

The two first (static) methods return a DatastreamControlGroup with the given value. (They do the same.)

==== RelationshipTuple ====
Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.

 * {{{String subject}}}
 * {{{String predicate}}}
 * {{{String object}}}
 * {{{boolean isLiteral}}}
 * {{{String datatype}}}

==== RepositoryInfo ====

==== MIMETypedStream ====

Fedora 3.0 API

DOMS metadata objects will be stored in Fedora-commons 3.0. Fedora 3.0 is currently in beta 2, but is expected to be final by the time we release DOMS.

The API is documented here: http://www.fedora-commons.org/documentation/3.0/userdocs/index.html#webservices

The following restrictions apply:

  • The possibilities "PurgeDatastream" and "PurgeObject" are not allowed. Instead change the state to deleted

  • setDatastreamVersionable is disallowed. The internal datastreams are always versioned.
  • Do not use getNextPID, instead use the method provided from DOMS

All ingested objects, and all updates, must lead to valid objects, as defined by the data model. The exception is that objects marked as "draft" or "intermediate" in the datamodel are always considered valid.

Making a call to any API method that changes the object to a state not valid as defined by the datamodel will fail. Any call to a state-changing API-call where the object is not first set to intermediate state will fail.


Saving seven new interrelated objects to DOMS

Since the datamodel may require that all seven objects are correctly ingested and interrelated before they are valid, ingest all seven objects in intermediate state, and then publish them

  • Call the method for generating DOMS PIDs seven times
  • Generate 7 FoxML objects, each with the administrative state set to "intermediate"
  • Call API-M ingest seven times

  • Call API-M modifyDatastreamByValue 7 times to update the state to "published"

Updating fields and references for 8 interrelated objects

To make sure that the changes don't interfere with validity, first set the state to intermediate, then update state to published after modifications.

  • Call API-M modifyDatastreamByValue 8 times to update the administrative state to "intermediate"

  • Update datastreams and relations as needed to make the changes using addRelationsship/addDatastream/purgeRelationship/modifyDatastreamByValue/setDatastreamState

  • Call API-M modifyDatastreamByValue 8 times to update the administrative state to "published"

Usage of Fedora API-M and API-A

The following describes those methods of the Fedora API-M and API-A that may be called by the GUI.

Descriptions in the following were copied (in part) from the Fedora documentation at http://www.fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/API-M and http://www.fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/API-A.

API-M (Fedora Management service API)


Creates a new Datastream in the object.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID (64 characters max). If null, Fedora will generate the value.

  • String[] altIDs Alternate identifiers for the datastream.

  • String dsLabel The label for the datastream.

  • boolean versionable Enable versioning of the datastream. This should be on for DOMS GUI usages.

  • String MIMEType The mime-type of the datastream.

  • String formatURI The format URI of the datastream.

  • String dsLocation Location of managed, redirect, or external referenced datastream content.

  • String controlGroup One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced). For DOMS GUI, use Inline XML or External Referenced.

  • String dsState One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive). Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.

  • String checksumType The algorithm used to compute the checksum. For DOMS GUI usage, may take value "DISABLED" or "MD5".

  • String checksum The value of the checksum represented as a hexadecimal string.

  • String logMessage A log message.


  • String The datastreamID of the newly added datastream.


Creates a new relationship in the object. Adds the specified relationship to the object's RELS-EXT Datastream. If the Resource Index is enabled, the relationship will be added to the Resource Index.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String relationship The predicate.

  • String object The object.

  • boolean isLiteral A boolean value indicating whether the object is a literal.

  • String datatype The datatype of the literal. Optional.


  • boolean True if and only if the relationship was added.


Verifies that the Datastream content has not changed since the checksum was initially computed.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID.

  • String versionDate A dateTime indicating the version of the datastream to verify. If null, Fedora will use the most recent version.


  • String The checksum if there is no difference, a message indicating checksum failure otherwise.


Gets the specified datastream.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The pid of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID.

  • String asOfDateTime The date/time stamp specifying the desired view of the object. If null, the current view of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.


  • Datastream The specified datastream. (See definition of Datastream under Data structures below)


Gets all versions of a datastream, sorted from most to least recent.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The pid of the object.

  • String asOfDateTime The date/time stamp specifying the desired view of the object. If null, the current view of the object (the most recent time) is assumed.

  • String dsState One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive). Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.


  • Datastream[] All versions of a datastream, sorted from most to least recent. (See definition of Datastream under Data structures below)


Get the relationships asserted in the object's RELS-EXT Datastream that match the given criteria.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String relationship The predicate to match. A null value matches all predicates.


  • RelationshipTuple[] An array of RelationshipTuples, each containing the subject, predicate and object matching the search criteria. (See definition of RelationshipTuple under Data structures below)


Creates a new digital object in the repository. The object's initial state will be A (active). If the XML document does not specify the OBJID attribute of the root element, the repository will generate and return a new pid for the object resulting from this request. That pid will have the namespace of the repository. If the XML document specifies a pid, it will be assigned to the digital object provided that 1. it conforms to the Fedora pid Syntax, 2. it uses a namespace that matches the "retainPIDs" value configured for the repository, and 3. it does not collide with an existing pid of an object in the repository.

Input parameters:

  • byte[] objectXML The digital object in an XML submission format.

  • String format The XML format of objectXML, e.g. "info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.1", "info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.0", "info:fedora/fedora-system:METSFedoraExt-1.1", or "info:fedora/fedora-system:ATOM-1.0".

  • String logMessage A log message.


  • String The pid of the newly created object.


Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID.

  • String[] altIDs Alternate identifiers for the datastream, if any.

  • String dsLabel The label for the datastream.

  • String MIMEType The mime type.

  • String formatURI Optional format URI of the datastream.

  • String dsLocation Location of managed, redirect, or external referenced datastream content.

  • String checksumType The algorithm used to compute the checksum. For DOMS GUI usage, may take value "DISABLED" or "MD5".

  • String checksum The value of the checksum represented as a hexadecimal string.

  • String logMessage A log message.

  • boolean force Force the update even if it would break a data contract.


  • String The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.


Modifies an existing Datastream in an object, by value. This operation is only valid for Inline XML Datastreams (i.e. controlGroup "X").

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID.

  • String[] altIDs Alternate identifiers for the datastream, if any.

  • String dsLabel The label for the datastream.

  • String MIMEType The mime type.

  • String formatURI Optional format URI of the datastream.

  • byte[] dsContent The content of the datastream.

  • String checksumType The algorithm used to compute the checksum. For DOMS GUI usage, may take value "DISABLED" or "MD5".

  • String checksum The value of the checksum represented as a hexadecimal string.

  • String logMessage A log message.

  • boolean force Force the update even if it would break a data contract.


  • String The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.


Modify an object.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String state The new state, "A", "I" or "D". Null means leave unchanged. Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.

  • String label the new label. Null means leave unchanged.

  • String ownerId The ownerId for the object.

  • String logMessage A log message.


  • String The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.


Delete the specified relationship. This method will remove the specified relationship(s) from the RELS-EXT datastream. If the Resource Index is enabled, this will also delete the corresponding triples from the Resource Index.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String relationship The predicate, null matches any predicate.

  • String object The object, null matches any object.

  • boolean isLiteral A boolean value indicating whether the object is a literal.

  • String datatype The datatype of the literal. Optional.


  • boolean True if and only if the relationship was purged.


Sets the state of a Datastream to the specified state value.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID.

  • String dsState One of "A", "D", or "I" (Active, Deleted, or Inactive). Only Active and Deleted are used in DOMS.

  • String logMessage A log message.


  • String The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.




API-A (Fedora Access service API)


Gets information that describes the repository.


  • RepositoryInfo A data structure that contains key metadata describing the Fedora repository server including repository name, version, base URL, pid namespace, and sample request URLs. (See definition of RepositoryInfo under Data structures below)


Gets the content of a datastream.

Input parameters:

  • String pid The PID of the object.

  • String dsID The datastream ID.

  • String asOfDateTime A dateTime indicating the version of the datastream to retrieve. If null, Fedora will use the most recent version.


  • MIMETypedStream The datastream as a mime-typed stream. (See definition of MIMETypedStream under Data structures below)


Input parameters:



Input parameters:



Input parameters:



Input parameters:



Input parameters:


Data structures


Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.

  • DatastreamControlGroup controlGroup

  • String ID

  • String versionID

  • String[] altIDs

  • String label

  • boolean versionable

  • String MIMEType

  • String formatURI

  • String createDate

  • long size

  • String state

  • String location

  • String checksumType

  • String checksum


Contains the following public methods.

  • DatastreamControlGroup fromValue(String value)

  • DatastreamControlGroup fromString(String value)

  • String getValue()

The allowed values are "E", "M", "X" and "R". (External Referenced, Managed Content, Inline XML, Redirect)

The two first (static) methods return a DatastreamControlGroup with the given value. (They do the same.)


Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.

  • String subject

  • String predicate

  • String object

  • boolean isLiteral

  • String datatype



Fedora 3.0 API (last edited 2010-03-17 13:12:49 by localhost)