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Revision 4 as of 2008-10-08 14:24:13
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Editor: jrg
Revision 5 as of 2008-10-09 15:23:08
Size: 1266
Editor: jrg
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 * {{{...}}} ...  * {{{FileCharacterization}}} Characterisation message and a format ID. Data structure summarized below.

=== Data structures ===

==== FileCharacterization ====
Returned by characterizeFile.

Characterisation response.
Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.

 * {{{byte[] characterizationOutput}}} The output of the characterization tool.
 * {{{String pronomID}}} The PRONOM file format ID.
 * {{{String validationStatus}}}
 * {{{String md5CheckSum}}}

File characterization API

A webservice will be provided, that given a URL will provide output of characterization tools, and a file format ID. This API is yet to be defined.

The concept is that the output of this webservice must be included in a technical datastream for the file object. Also, the format ID must be provided in technical metadata.

WSDL: attachment:FileCharacterizer.xml

File Characterization API

The following describes those methods of the File Characterization API that may be called by the GUI.


Generates characterization output from analysis of file.

Input parameters:

  • org.apache.axis.types.URI fileURI URL to the file to be characterized.


  • FileCharacterization Characterisation message and a format ID. Data structure summarized below.

Data structures


Returned by characterizeFile.

Characterisation response. Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.

  • byte[] characterizationOutput The output of the characterization tool.

  • String pronomID The PRONOM file format ID.

  • String validationStatus

  • String md5CheckSum

File characterization API (last edited 2010-03-17 13:08:50 by localhost)