File characterization API
A webservice is provided, that given a URL will provide output of characterization tools, and a file format ID.
The concept is that the output of this webservice must be included in a technical datastream for the file object. Also, the format ID must be provided in technical metadata.
File Characterization API
WSDL: DOMSFileCharacterizer.xml
The following describes those methods of the File Characterization API that may be called by the GUI.
Generates characterization output from analysis of file.
Input parameters:
org.apache.axis.types.URI fileURI URL to the file to be characterized.
FileCharacterization Characterisation message and a format ID. Data structure summarized below.
IOException If the characterizer failed downloading the file.
NoSuchAlgorithmException This exception should never be thrown.
Data structures
Returned by characterizeFile.
Characterisation response. Contains the following private fields. Each has corresponding getter and setter methods.
byte[] characterizationOutput The output of the characterization tool.
String pronomID The PRONOM file format ID.
String validationStatus Whether or not the format of the file is valid. Value "VALID" or "INVALID".
String md5CheckSum Checksum of the file.