FRBR Relations **


When creating a data-model where many objects will be of the same work, (see [:../Audio Collection/Clasical Music: Clasical Music]) the use of the FRBR model can aid the planning of object relations at the levels between the collection (see [:../Collections In General: Collections In General]) and the file-object (see [:../File-Objects: file-objects]).

Description of pattern

When there is a multitude, especially of Expressions, Manifestations and Item's, of the work it can be very prudent to include a relation in the data-model to reflect this

Problem description


In bold font

Consider next

This Pattern will influence the pattens within the FRBR model namely the [:/Work: Work], [:/Expression: Expression], [:/Manifestation: Manifestation] and [:/Item: Item] patterns, these should not be decided on before taking this document into account.