SB Pattern language for Datamodels



Name: PageTitle written in CamelCase or [:Page title:Page_title] written with underscore as the delimiter, you are encouraged to use the underscore for legibility reasons, AND match it to the heading of the pattern. Try to think of a descriptive, but not to long name.

Context: Where in the process does this pattern apply, eg. overall planning or minute details. remember to include relevant patterns in-line in the context description.

Description of pattern: What does this pattern cover, the general subject no problems no solutions, just a description of the covered subject. This text is entered in Bold Font

Problem description:

Solution: What is the encouraged approach to solving the problem of this pattern? This text is entered in Bold Font

Consider next: What options do the use of this pattern bring about, what path does it send the user along. Include in-line references to likely patterns which will be influenced by this pattern choice.