How to count published Radio/TV program objects in Fedora
This explains how to get the number of published Radio/TV program objects in the Fedora installed in STAGE.
After inserting the correct password below, do:
echo `wget -q --user=fedoraReadOnlyAdmin --password=<INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE> -O - '$object%0Afrom%20%3C%23ri%3E%0Awhere%20$object%20%3Cfedora-model:hasModel%3E%20%3Cinfo:fedora/doms:ContentModel_Program%3E%0Aand%20$object%20%3Cfedora-model:state%3E%20%3Cfedora-model:Active%3E%0A'`
The number of published Radio/TV program objects will be printed to standard out. 0 or more. If password is incorrect, nothing will be printed.