How to count published Radio/TV program objects in Fedora

This explains how to get the number of published Radio/TV program objects in the Fedora installed in STAGE.

On a machine that is allowed read access to STAGE, first do:

ssh -f develro@carme -L 7880:carme:7880 -N


wget -q -O - -user=fedoraReadOnlyAdmin -password=<INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE> http://carme:7880/fedora/risearch?type=tuples&lang=iTQL&format=count&query=select%20%24object%0Afrom%20%3C%23ri%3E%0Awhere%20%24object%20%3Cfedora-model%3AhasModel%3E%20%3Cinfo%3Afedora%2Fdoms%3AContentModel_Program%3E%0Aand%20%24object%20%3Cfedora-model%3Astate%3E%20%3Cfedora-model%3AActive%3E%0A

The number of published Radio/TV program objects will be printed to standard out.

Then kill the ssh process:

ps -o pid,command ax | grep ssh\ \-f\ develro\@carme | grep -v grep | sed -e 's|\ .*||' | xargs kill