SB Ingest Example Objects
PID: left side should be a known project; these should be specified in Fedora properties; i.e. when introducing a new project Fedora properties should be updated; right side should be?
#type and #state as defined by Fedora.
#label human readable name.
#contentModel=SBOBJECT for all objects; this decision may be changed later; the type(s) is (are) defined by the 'isObjectType' relation.
Dublin Core language? We are using English in the examples.
DC subjects should be from SB controlled vocabulary; not the case in examples.
DC type should be from SB DOMS controlled vocabulary; not the case in examples.
Format and Rights: Should these be defined in DC or in RELS-EXT? Currently we choose RELS-EXT as this gives us structure and relationship checking for free. One could argue that Dublin Core is the heart of the Fedora object and thus format and rights belong here...
RELS-EXT: How many 'hasRights' relations can one object have?
Rights datastream: Usage rights (if I can access the material, what can I use the material for)? Creative Commons machine readable rights?
Todo: Type datastream (type objects; SBType*.xml) + technical datastream (file objects; SBlogos*File.xml).
We should also 'collect' the design decisions in http://merkur/domswiki/Technical in one 'SB DOMS Object Design' (or 'SB DOMS Project Design') document.
Remember we have 'invented' the following non-existing pages: 'http://www.statsbiblioteket.dk/doms-relations', '/doms-admin', '/doms-rights', '/doms-type' and 'doms-technical'.
And remember disseminator INDEX_REPRESENTATION is mandatory and missing in all the example objects.
According to http://merkur/domswiki/SB_DOMS_object_structure, the 'isPartOfProject' relation is mandatory for all non-project objects. In the example type objects and rights objects also do not have the 'isPartOfProject' relation. We have to decide whether we want a 'top SB project' (or possibly an 'SB type project' and an 'SB rights projects') or we want to change this rule.
The 'SB logo image logical object' (SBlogosStdSBLogoImage.xml) has relation 'isObjectType' to the 'image type object'. Should (or could) there be a project specific 'logo type object', and should (or could) this logo then have two types (or should the logo type have a 'conceptualParent' relation to the image type)?
We have to make a decision regarding dublin core in file objects. If we expect the file objects to be referenced by multiple logical objects, just the file name? And what relations make sense for file objects? Once again if we expect the file objects to be referenced by multiple logical objects, does the 'isPartOfProject' relation make sense then? The 'isFileType' relation is also interesting. Should the 'gif file-type object' be of type type or of type file-type, which 'has conceptual' parent type type? Why is 'isFileType' a relation?
Fedora RELS-EXT relations cannot contain self-references (this is checked by Fedora on ingest). This means that the object 'type type' cannot have an 'isObjectType' relation to 'type type', and the object 'rights internal' cannot have a 'hasRights' relation to 'rights internal'. One way around this is deciding that type objects do not have a compulsary type relation and rights objects do not have a compulsary rights relation...