Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2008-06-26 12:26:08
Size: 2638
Editor: kfc
Comment: Created by the PackagePages action.
Revision 2 as of 2010-03-17 13:08:52
Size: 2638
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
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Details can be found on [:OAIProviderSetup:] Details can be found on [[OAIProviderSetup]]

Release test step Install Test Setup


Change to some folder

Checkout the doms system

svn co https://merkur.statsbiblioteket.dk/svn/doms/trunk doms
cd doms/test/bin
./domssetup.sh ../../../fedora_install

Install the ingest module in the fedora test server.

cd ../../..
mkdir fedora_install/ingest
mkdir fedora_install/ingest/input
mkdir fedora_install/ingest/input/bdef
mkdir fedora_install/ingest/input/bmech
cp -r doms/test/data/doms_base_collection fedora_install/ingest/input/base
cp -r doms/test/data/iteration7_testcollection fedora_install/ingest/input/testcollection
cp doms/disseminator/fedora_disseminator_object/indexRepresentation.xml fedora_install/ingest/input/bdef
cp doms/disseminator/fedora_disseminator_object/Gentofte*DigitalObjectBundle.xml fedora_install/ingest/input/bmech
cd doms/ingest
ant release.bin
cp dist/doms-ingest-0.0.1.zip ../../fedora_install/ingest
cd ../../fedora_install/ingest
unzip doms-ingest-0.0.1.zip 
rm -f doms-ingest-0.0.1.zip
mv doms-ingest-0.0.1/* .
rm -r doms-ingest-0.0.1

Install the disseminator webservice locally

cd ../..
cd doms/disseminator
ant war
cp dist/gentofte_disseminator.war ../../fedora_install/tomcat/webapps
cd ../..
cd fedora_install

Install the OAI provider.

Details can be found on OAIProviderSetup

cd server/
unzip ../../doms/test/lib/oaiprovider-1.1.zip
unzip ../../doms/test/lib/oaiprovider-1.1-src.zip

Setup the database

First time do this

mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'proai'@'%' identified by 'proai' WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'proai'@'localhost' identified by 'proai' WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'proai' identified by 'proai' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Otherwise do this

mysqldump -uproai -pproai --add-drop-table --no-data proai|grep ^DROP|mysql -uproai -pproai proai

Install the webservice

cp oaiprovider-1.1/oaiprovider.war ../tomcat/webapps/

Configure the oai-provider TODO

Ingest the base and test objects

cd ingest
./bin/ingest.sh bdef
./bin/ingest.sh bmech
./bin/ingest.sh base
./bin/ingest.sh testcollection
cd ..

InstallTestSetupTestStep (last edited 2010-03-17 13:08:52 by localhost)