IntelliJ IDEA 7

We use IntelliJ IDEA 7. If you still use IDEA 6, please upgrade, and be careful not to commit .ipr/.iml files


The project is organised in an IDEA project doms.ipr, with several sub modules

doms.iml is a virtual project module that only contains common project stuff

That module has module root in our top level project directory.

Other modules have roots in subdirs of the top level project directories, with the same name as the module.

See ["Directory layout"]

Use module dependencies with commmon sense.

The code should be organised to be able to build with ant as well as IDEA.

Project settings are set to a Java version named "1.6". If you do not have a Java version with that name in your IDEA, rather than changing the java version make sure you have a Java installed with the name "1.6" by pressing the little "+" button when selecting Java JDK.

Each module should have its compiler output path set to <module-name>/classes and <module-name>/classes-test