2008-03-31 Iteration 8 Status Meeting
Present: ABR, JRG, TSH, BAM.
1. The Yearbook Collection
- BAM has written some scripts for generation of en empty text file for each PDF file and generation of a TIFF file for each images in the yearbook collection. However, there are some difficulties with ensuring that the generated TIFF files have the same graphical resolution as the source image files. ABR has volunteered to help solving this problem.
- The scripts have been tested on a copy of the yearbook data on the zeus server and everything seem to work, except from the resolution problem with the TIFF files.
- We should check with GB if there should be introduced a new document type in Summa. At the moment, all yearbook objects will appear as being of the type "Netdokument" in Summa and that may not be desirable.
* Rumours say that there exists a Danish Dublin Core standard. We must check with GB whether we must make any changes to field names and such, in order to conform to it.
2. "Start/Stop Scripts"
- JRG has written some scripts for installation of a tomcat instance and for installation of fedora without using a standard fedora bundle. The script for installation of tomcat is only meant to be used by the DOMS developers, as the IT dept. have their own way of managing the tomcat installation in the production environment.
- It has not yet been tested that Fedora works properly when installed using JRGs installation script.
- The installation scripts for installation of the OAI provider and the disseminator need a few adjustments and the final test.
3. XSLTs
- The XSLTs for Summa are almost finished. There are known issues with some field names that do not conform to the (Danish) Dublin Core standard. We need some advice from GB.
4. Minor Tasks
- The disseminator, ingester and pre-ingester need test and review.
- We need to investigate the use of "Gentofte" in code, filestructure and fedora type objects. Wherever the name "Gentofte" is used it must be removed or replaced by something else, e.g. "yearbook".