2008-04-28 DOMS Status Meeting
Present: KFC, ABR, JRG, TSH, BAM.
1. Status
- Preingest is not done, but is the next thing to be done.
- The two jpg files with bit-errors that were encountered during conversion will be ignored. We do the preingest anyway, and add the two real jpgs later. ABR will do the preingest on Alhena, with KFC as backup.
- ABR has made code that calculates MD5-checksums (using Javas implementation)
- and stores them in the file-objects. We discussed commenting out this code, but it was decided to leave it as it is.
- Ingest will be run by ABR. (Omit the "revy" + "year" for the two broken jpgs)
- After ingest, the Summa folks will do the indexing.
2. Updating status for subtasks of full DOMS
We went through each task (A,...,G) of the full DOMS, correcting the status ("In progress", "Finished", and so on) of each subtask.
3. Full-DOMS overview-day
We will have a whole day discussing the tasks that need to be completed before the full DOMS is ready. Before this discussion-day, each participant will study one or more tasks to get an overview of these. With offset in a presentation of each task, we will discuss the task. (What should be the result of the task, do the subtasks describe all they should,...) People were distributed as follows:
- Task A - ABR + JRG
- Task B - BAM
- Task C - TSH
- Task D - KFC
- Task E - JRG