DRAMBORA is short for Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment. The DRAMBORA creators are the [http://www.dcc.ac.uk/ Digital Curation Centre] (DCC) and [http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/ DigitalPreservationEurope] (DPE). The notes are for the DRAMBORA guide version 1.0 Draft for Public Testing & Comment.


Executive Summary

The DRAMBORA toolkit represents the latest developement in an effort to conceive criteria, means and methodologies for audit and certification of digital repositories. The RLG/NARA Task Force (TRAC) and the nestor working group have also developed criteria (check-lists) for audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories. Drambora can be used in association with one or both of these check-lists.



PART I: Background

[:NotesOnDramboraPartIBackground: Notes on the background.]


PART II: Audit Process

Audit Process Stages:

Functional classes:

[:NotesOnDramboraPartIIAuditProcess: More notes on the audit process.]


PART III: Conclusions

Valuable results of the process are a documented self-awareness of fundamental objectives, a documented understanding of the risks and choice of means for risk management including strategies for avoidance, treatment, transfer and tolerance.


Appendix 3: Example Risk Register

The summary example list is on pages 81-83; this appendix contain the full examples. There are examples which focus on management, resource allocation, business reputation and staffing, but there are also a couple on community requirements, some on policies and procedures, some on legal liability (IPR is Intellectual Property Rights), a couple on 'repository success' and some on hardware, software, storage media, security, third-party services, recieved packages (for ingest), loss of confidentiality/availability/authenticity/integrity/reliability/provenance of information, backups/copies, preservation, metadata management and access and dissemination (78 in total). We should probably take a quick look at all of them.