Packeging instructions for Wowza plugin version 1.0

This document describes how to prepare a package ready for release test and later deployment in STAGE and PROD.

  1. Create a tag for this release candidate with a command like svn copy<version>

  2. Checkout tag to temporary location

    svn checkout<version> ~/tmp/wdp_<version>
  3. Create package in folder ~/tmp/wdp_<version>/target/package

    cd ~/tmp/wdp_<version>
    ant clean package
  4. Empty bin folder ~/tmp/wdp_<version>/target/package/bin

    rm ~/tmp/wdp_<version>/target/package/bin/*
  5. Zip package

    cd ~/tmp
    mv ~/tmp/wdp_<version>/target/package DOMS-Wowza-plugin-<version>
    zip -r DOMS-Wowza-plugin-<version>.zip DOMS-Wowza-plugin-<version>