= Start tomcat - is the DOMS running? = == Done by Maintenance == * Make sure the DOMS Tomcat is up == Done by DOMS-group == On a machine that is allowed read access to STAGE, first do:{{{ ssh -f develro@carme -L 7880:carme:7880 -N}}} Then:{{{ ssh develro@carme}}} * {{{cd /home/doms/tomcat/logs}}} * {{{grep ERROR catalina.out}}} to ensure that all services loaded without errors reported, i.e. no errors occur in this file * {{{grep ERROR fedora.log}}} to ensure that fedora did not report any errors in startup * Check fedora startup by loading http://carme:7880/fedora/search, and searching for *. If it returns more than 20 results, fedora works * {{{grep ERROR fedora.log}}} to ensure that fedora did not report any errors in the search above * {{{grep ERROR doms.log}}} it should contain no errors (but I cannot see how an error can be logged here, without being logged in one of the two previous places) * Open http://carme:7880/surveillance-surveyor, and see that all things are marked green * {{{grep ERROR doms.log}}} to see if any errors were reported by loading the surveyor Then:{{{ exit}}} Then kill the ssh process:{{{ ps -o pid,command ax | grep ssh\ \-f\ develro\@carme | grep -v grep | sed -e 's|\ .*||' | xargs kill}}}