Release note for Wowza plugin version 1.0

Released medio januar 2011

New features

This is the first version of the Wowza plugin in the DOMS project. The purpose of the plugin is to enhances the Wowza streaming server with

  1. User authentication
  2. Translating the user request URL to a specific media file

Installation instructions for STAGE and PROD

Prerequisites for the installation:

  1. Java 6
  2. Wowza Streaming Server version 2.1.2
  3. Access to the media files that the Broadcast Extraction Service produces


  1. Create the virtual host:
    1. Edit Wowza-install-dir/conf/VHosts.xml. Add:

  2. Setup the virtual host:
    1. Edit /home/<user>/wowza_vhost_doms/conf/VHost.xml. Change the value for the two host port elements (Root/VHost/HostPortList/HostPort/Port):

      • First entry (RTMP protocol) to 1935
      • Second entry (Admin Hostport) to 8086
    2. Edit /home/<user>/wowza_vhost_doms/conf/doms/Application.xml. Change element Root/Application/Streams/StorageDir to location of media files produced by Broadcast Extraction Service.