
The release test work package for iteration 1 is intended to describe a comprehensive integrity test for the final product of iteration 1, and set up a framework for release testing in the DOMS project.

Release test procedures

At the end of the iteration, code freeze is instigated. The steps in the release test description are done. Please fill out the table with status after each step, with either OK or FAILED.

Any errors are reported in Bugzilla. Any errors need to be evaluated, and if they need to be fixed before release, this is done, and releasetest is rerun until succesful.

The release test

The iteration 1 release test should do the following:

TEST1: Local test



Follow the instructions for installing or clearing the Fedora repository

Follow the instructions for setting up an Apache web server

Build the Ingest code

Unpack the Ingest code

Copy releasetest files to this directory

Run ingest on the copied files

Check result

TEST2: Alhena test



Log onto Alhena.

Follow the instructions for installing or clearing the Fedora repository

Verify the apache webserver is writable and running

Check out the ingest release.

Copy releasetest files to this directory

Run ingest on the copied files

Check result