##Risk Description = Risk Description = ## Detailed description of this risk and its possible implications. ## E.g. If one of the car's tires suffers a puncture, we may run off the road. Project takes longer than estimated. Our experience is that we are not perfect at estimating how long it will take to complete a certain task. Thus there is risk that the project will be delayed by poor estimation However, unless the estimates start to slide wildly, the impact isn't great: it will simply take longer to implement the DOMS. == When to react? == ## When must we respond to the risk? E.g. When the event occurs or already when we see the warning signs? ## E.g. We must react if we hear a hissing sound. When a general tendency towards not meeting deadlines shows up == Reaction == ## Detailed description of how to react on the risk and which actions to take, if it is imminent. ## There exists 4 basic reactions: ## 1: Accept the risk. ## 2: Eliminate the cause to the risk. ## 3: Mitigate the probability or the consequence of the risk. ## 4: Delegate the risk to another party, e.g. by outsourcing it or take out insurance for it. ## E.g. We accept the risk and change the tire if we suffer a puncture. We should re-estimate our tasks and have the new estimates approved by the steering committee. == Responsible Persons == The below persons are responsible for continuously monitoring and acting on this risk: ## Add a bullet list with links to the wiki pages of the responsible persons here: ## E.g. ## * [:JohnDoe: John Doe]