Check out the DOMS project

Check out the project with:

svn co doms

This will check out the trunk branch in a sub-folder named doms in the current folder.

If your local user name does not match your Windows login you can supply the command with the --username switch.

General SVN setup

Open the file ~/.subversion/config and if it isn't already uncommented, uncomment the line

# enable-auto-props = yes

then add the following lines under [auto-props], if they're not already there:

*.java = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.sh = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.txt = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.html = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.xml = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.jsp = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.in = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.css = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id
*.tex = svn:keywords=Author Date Rev URL Id

This will ensure that expansion of $Id:$ and similar gets turned on for all new source-like files.


There is a web interface for browsing the repository on http://merkur/viewvc/trunk/?root=doms

SVN Sandbox

We have a Subversion "playground" on


There is a DOMS specific project called sandbox-doms on the server. To check out the trunk (this is what you want) do

svn co https://merkur/svn/sandbox/sandbox-doms/trunk sandbox-doms

If you want to check out the entire tree -- all branches and tags (you rarely want this) do

svn co https://merkur/svn/sandbox/sandbox-doms