Search API
DOMS Search uses simple search methods of the Summa Search interface.
WSDL: DomsGUISearch.xml
Content of this page:
This method executes the given query and returns a search result ranked by relevance.
Input parameters:
String query The query string.
int numberOfRecords The maximum number of records returned in search result.
int startIndex The number of the first record to return.
String simpleSearchReturn The search result sorted by relevance as structured XML document. See description below.
This method executes the given query and returns a search result ranked by the given sort key.
Input parameters:
String query The query string.
int numberOfRecords The maximum number of records returned in search result.
int startIndex The number of the first record to return.
String sortKey The key to sort by.
boolean reverse A boolean indication whether or not to sort in reverse.
String simpleSearchReturn The search result sorted by the given key, reversed if so indicated, as structured XML document. See description below.
Result XML Description
The result string defined by Summa is XML, in the following form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <responsecollection> <response> response-xml-1 </response> <response> response-xml-2 </response> ... <responsecollection>
Possible responses (in place of response-xml-1, response-xml-2, ... above) are document response, facet result and others. In DOMS we only use document response, which looks like this:
<documentresult filter="..." query="..." startIndex="..." maxRecords="..." sortKey="..." reverseSort="..." fields="..." searchTime="..." hitCount="..."> <record score="..." sortValue="..."> <field name="recordID">...</field> <field name="shortformat">...</field> </record> ... </documentresult>
Currently, we do not have a schema for the result. The result can be read as follows:
documentresult element
Attribute filter is not used in simple search results.
Attributes query, startIndex, maxRecords, sortKey, reverseSort: Same as input to method.
Attribute fields: Always "recordID, shortformat" in DOMS.
Attribute searchTime: Time it took to search.
Attribute hitCount: Number of results.
record element
Attribute score: relevancy ranking, value from 0 to 1.
Attribute sortValue is the value that the sort was performed on.
field element
Attribute name: In DOMS always either recordID or shortformat.
- Contents are the PID for recordID, or XML for shortformat.
The XML for shortformat is of the following form:
<shortrecord> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description> <dc:title>...</dc:title> <dc:creator>...</dc:creator> <dc:date>...</dc:date> <dc:type xml:lang="da">netdokument</dc:type> <dc:type xml:lang="en">net document</dc:type> <dc:identifier>...</dc:identifier> ... </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </shortrecord>
The important elements are the "dc" fields. They will contain the actual results.
Result XML Example
This example is the same as the one given by the Summa Minimal Deployment Tutorial, except without the facet result response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <responsecollection> <response name="DocumentResponse"> <documentresult query="narrative" startIndex="0" maxRecords="20" sortKey="summa-score" reverseSort="false" fields="main_titel, lsubject, lsu_oai, author_normalised, recordID, shortformat" searchTime="8" hitCount="2"> <record score="0.20924361" id="122" source="NA"> <field name="main_titel">Pensare per immagini: una strada per la coscienza</field> <field name="lsubject">NoSubject</field> <field name="lsu_oai">NoOAI</field> <field name="author_normalised">Ferdinando Testa</field> <field name="recordID">oai:oai:doaj-articles:badd9ac32fc2e096cf76fec4f0d19250</field> <field name="shortformat"><shortrecord> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description> <dc:title xmlns:dc="">Pensare per immagini: una strada per la coscienza</dc:title> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Ferdinando Testa</dc:creator> <dc:date xmlns:dc="">2005</dc:date> <dc:type xml:lang="da" xmlns:dc="">netdokument</dc:type> <dc:type xml:lang="en" xmlns:dc="">net document</dc:type> <dc:identifier xmlns:dc=""></dc:identifier> <dc:identifier xmlns:dc=""></dc:identifier> <dc:format xmlns:dc="">todo</dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </shortrecord></field> </record> <record score="0.20924361" id="149" source="NA"> <field name="main_titel">La narrazione: dimensione ontologica della formazione</field> <field name="lsubject">NoSubject</field> <field name="lsu_oai">NoOAI</field> <field name="author_normalised">Francesca Pulvirenti</field> <field name="recordID">oai:oai:doaj-articles:dd2dffe34df1293e045aee58f06a5c3f</field> <field name="shortformat"><shortrecord> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description> <dc:title xmlns:dc="">La narrazione: dimensione ontologica della formazione</dc:title> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Francesca Pulvirenti</dc:creator> <dc:date xmlns:dc="">2005</dc:date> <dc:type xml:lang="da" xmlns:dc="">netdokument</dc:type> <dc:type xml:lang="en" xmlns:dc="">net document</dc:type> <dc:identifier xmlns:dc=""></dc:identifier> <dc:identifier xmlns:dc=""></dc:identifier> <dc:format xmlns:dc="">todo</dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </shortrecord></field> </record> </documentresult> </response> </responsecollection>