1. Project status
KFC presented work breakdown.
BCD was surprised about the extent of the project.
KFC explained that some of the major areas were
- Defining a datamodel and implementing integrity checking of this (partially done with Fedora project work)
- Having "nice" integration with Summa - more than just trivial results, i.e. images, full-text-search, etc.
- Making an end-user-friendly GUI
BCD suggested that we call section C "TDR/DS484"since it addresses both sets of requirements.
2. Milestone plan
KFC showed the milestone plan.
BCD+BJA said that TDR requirements needed to be met to some extent earlier than planned, since 2008 should end with a TDR. This time could probably to a large extent be done with Planets resources.
Possibly the extra tiem from Fedora and Planets will speed up the milestone plan. KFC will re-evaluate. On the other hand, integrating collections may pull the other way.
3. Next iterations
The next two iterations will give
- The 'gentofte' project test collection.
- Summa integration minimal solution
4. Manning
The plan for manning is:
TE+MKE will be pulled completely from the project, except when Summa integration demands their participation.
BAM will still be 1/4-time, if she wishes.
ABR will be half time, (plus Planets resources that fit DOMS)
JRG will be full time, including Fedora project
KFC will be half time, including Fedora project
TSH will be approx. 1/3 time (plus Planets resources that fit DOMS (1/3)). Last third used for Pindar
5. Major risks
The communication suggested by risks was accepted, including news letter. It was suggested that the newslaetter at a later time was accepted and sent by the steering group.
The end-of-work meeting suggested could be planned for February.
A project with the Ministry of Culture should look at bit preservation and help mitigate that risk.
6. Open Sourcing
The steering group accepted going open source NOW. We will move the Wiki to gforge (need to check for internal data) and the SVN to gforge (need to check for internal data).
7. Steering group and advisory board formalisation
Steering group should include EFJ. BCD will contact her.
An advisory board is also a good idea. BCD will think of appropriate people for the board.
8. The Fedora project
The plan was accepted. It is important that the production is relevant for DOMS but also everyone else in the world.
9. Media Department Workflow System
There was some discussion about the problem about what was the success criteria of the acquisition process, and exactly what the money were granted for by the Ministry of Colture. It is unlikely that they can be converted to a development project for DOMS. Are there other smaller modules that will be relevant? Dobbin?
10. AOB
It is unknown what our role is and will be in EduMedia. If we do not get more resources, we will have to keep it to a minimum, otherwise we may wish to use DOMS (or at least Fedora) as a backend.