## Please put instances of this task in the subfolder Tasks/ with name for the number, and subfolders as approproate, e.g. Tasks/X/Y ## If any of the below links or sections are not applicable to your page, then please comment them out rather than deleting ## as they may become relevant later on. ## Headline like "Task Implement Backup" = Task Fedora = ## Task title Title:: Fedora ## Valid states: "Not started", "In progress" and "Finished" State:: Not started ## The time used is measured in man days and does not include the time spent on any sub-tasks. As a rule of thumb, time should always be allocated to subtasks, rather than parent tasks. Format: Xmd Time used:: ## As time used Time estimated:: 7-12md /!\ Updated after project meeting == Description == ## Add a high level task (goals / sub-goals) description here, sufficiently detailed to provide a background for creation of action descriptions. ## Any available (technical) details goes into the below documentation pages. Status: We have a working Fedora system, which we know quite well. Outstanding: 1. Fedora config details (might belong to the testbed task instead). Estimated at 2B, as there could be unforseen traps but this is very unlikely. 1. Base collection. Must wait on the ECM namespace agreement, and the ECM DS-COMPOSITEMODEL agreement. Estimated in 5C, as there are no compile time check of the models, so C is for later returning to fix errors. 1. Base CM 1. File CM 1. All the preservation file CM 1. Collection CM 1. Planets CM Nessesary for Auth module 1. XACML design and setup. We know XACML works in Fedora 3.2. We need to learn to work with the new policy system, and figure out a pattern for out policies. Estimated at 5B. 1. We need some sample licenses 1. We need design for protecting file access and bundling Postponed 1. Update to Fedora 3.4. Fedora 3.4 adds Spring, ECM, Java client, new XACML. Will be mostly backwards compatible. Estimated at 5C, as there could be problems in the upgrade. Postponed. == Sub tasks == <> == Documentation == ## The documentation section links to the documentation relevant to this task and its sub-tasks (if any). ## ## The below links will automatically be expanded to page names like "Tasks/X/Y/AnalysisDocument" in your created page. ## This should be a proper default. ## ## DO NOT comment out these links. * [[Tasks/23/AnalysisDocument|Analysis Document]] * [[Tasks/23/DesignDocument|Design Document]] * [[Tasks/23/SystemMaintenanceDocument|System Set-up and Maintenance Document]] == Progress history == <> ## Add information about about the current state of the task here. That is, information about what has been completed so far and ## what outstanding issues are left. Example: ## ##=== 2007-09-13 === ##Finished the design documentation. A review is needed before this task is completed. ## ##=== 2007-08-25 === ##Completed requirement specification. We are now ready for writing the design document.