The words defined below have been overheard in lectures or conversations in the building, or found in litterature directly referenced by staff. In case of acronyms the precise meaning is explained, in about one line. Deep links to litterature to aid in further studies may be included. Please keep list sorted alphabetically.
- Archive
- Data archives
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Digital library
- Digital Preservation Strategies
definitions The following are defined:
Universal Virtual Computer
Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture
- the German Network of expertise in Digital long-term preservation
Open Archival Information System
Persistent ID
Preservation and Long-term Access via NETworked Servives. Page
Resource Decription Framework. Primer
Cornell defines this as seen below (but it is only their way of seing things)
- OAIS compliance
- Administrative responsibility
- Organizationel viability
- Financial sustanability
- Technological and procedural suitability
- System security
- Procedural accountability
In January 2007 DCC, DPE, NESTOR and CRL agreed on 10 core requirements for digital archives. There is a Digital Repository Audit and Certification Wiki containing information and documents generated by the working group currently attempting to produce an ISO standard on which a full audit and certification of digital repositories can be based.