0. Agenda walkthrough
1. Suggested Milestones
- We must have an early production system early 2008
- Collections we can expect prioritized for early ingest
- TV commercials
- The Car/MC/Boat/HiFi magazines ("Gentofte")
- The Anker Kirkeby collection ("Lydhistoriens barndom")
- Misc. audio ("Dansk lydhistorie")
Suggested Milestones:
Milestone 2: Early ingest and trivial search - Temporary production system! A2.* (partial) + A3 (partial) + A4.* (partial) + B1-2 (partial) + D3.1-2 (partial) 88 (15) + 10 (2) + 79 (20) + 50 (20) + 24 (5) = 62 Milestone 3: Running Fedora with ingest module - only Fedora-tool-access A2.1, A2.2, A2.3 (partial), A4.* (partial), D3.2 (partial), E3 (partial) 14 + 25 + 49 (17) + 79 (40) + 11 (3) + 21 (10) = 119 Milestone 4: Summa Integration, including disseminator and XSLTs, but without "content-disseminators" B1-2, A2.3 (partial), D3.2 (partial), D3.3 (partial) 50 + 49 (16) + 11 (3) + 32 (16) = 85 Milestone 5: Production system, reevaluated datamodel, 1. iteration collection manual A3, A4.* (partial), D3.1, E3 (partial), E1 (partial) 10+ 79 (39) + 13 + 21 (11) + 71 (36) = 109 Milestone 6: Metadata manager A2.3 (final), E1 (final), E3 (final), D3.2 (final), D3.3 (final) 49 (16) + 71 (35) + 21 (10) + 11 (5) + 32 (16) = 82 Milestone 7: TDR C.*, D4.*, E2 ? + ? + ? = ? Milestone 8: Added value and rights B4, B3, ? + ? = ?
Note: Manning - 4,5 man, ~9 days/month = ~40.50 md / month
Approx . 80% effectivity (meetings, planning, comm.)
2. Followup on estimation
- Unestimated tasks: B.3, C.1, E.2, F.*
- New tasks: D.4, D.5, C.2, C.3, B.4
- Uncertain estimates: A2.2, D3.3
- Tasks with new content (TDR): ...
3. Planning iteration 4
- Reviews - fordelinger ## MKE + BAM + TE (3 md)
- Risk assessment ## TSH + BAM (2 md)
- Stakeholder identification ## TSH + KFC (4 md)
- Communication plan ## TSH + KFC (2 md)
- IT department coordination ## TE + KFC (2 md)
4. Introduktionsplan for Jeppe
- Introduktion til Fedora
- Introduktion til DOMS