Agenda 2007-11-05
0. Agenda walkthrough
1. Presentation and welcome of new members
2. Iteration process
A quick breakdown of the life cycle of an iteration:
- Startup meeting (1 day)
- Select actions
- Assign actions
- Describe actions (1-2 days)
- Assigned persons describe design and estimate needed resources
- For estimation, remember all the tasks below: design, unittests, reviews, followups
- Design writers swap descriptions for review/comments
- Assigned persons describe design and estimate needed resources
Assign persons to actions, set iteration end date (<½ day)
- Implement actions (5-10 days)
- Write detailed (code) design
- Write unit tests
- Implement action
- Review with someone not assigned to action
- Review followup
- Release test (1-2 days)
- End of iteration meeting
- Information exchange
- Followup on estimation
3. Iteration 5 breakdown
Suggested actions:
- TE, TSH Design ingest module, migrate pre-analysis project ingest code
- BAM, MKE Salvage data model from pre-analysis project, document, identify unresolved issues
- BAM, TE Identify "Gentofte" objects, design datamodel
- TSH, MKE, JRG, ABR Study group with Asger and Jeppe: setup Idea/SVN, go through WBS, go through guidelines, identify relevant study material
- TSH, KFC Present results of risk and stakeholder analysis and communication plan, plan actions suggested by these including communication with external partners
- KFC, TE Prepare releasetest. Goal: Running the migrated ingest code on test objects in test setup. Use Fedora tools to see they are ingested properly.
x. AOB
- Planning of weekly meetings