April Demo
The doms.radioavismanuskripter package now contains the class RadioSB, which looks at the radioavismanuskript files, and based on these creates one 'Delta' xml file with the available metadata for each digital object to be created. Each Delta file is matched with an xslt Transformation using a foxml Template file. The delta files are transformed and ingested one radioavismanuskript at a time, as these 'batches' are 'valid', i.e. pass the RIFF check when the SB project and the RAM base objects have been ingested first. An indexRepresentation BDef object defining a getIndexRepresentation method has been added to the SB project and a RAMdigitalObjectBundle BMech object has been added to the RAM base objects. This enables us to 'Summa-harvest' the objects, which contain the index representation disseminator. In this demo, the manuscripts have an index representation. Remember to update proai.properties:
- add indexRepresentation to the list in driver.fedora.md.formats
add driver.fedora.md.format.indexRepresentation.loc = http://example.org/testFormat.xsd
add driver.fedora.md.format.indexRepresentation.uri = http://example.org/testFormat/
- add driver.fedora.md.format.indexRepresentation.dissType = info:fedora/*/sb:indexRepresentation/getIndexRepresentation
We are still missing the nice documentation and the big plan!