Phonograph cylinder *
The Phonograph cylinders collection is a partial old collection, meaning that some of the cylinders are digitized and some are not. For the existing digitized objects, those are part of a sub collection from the "Digi Lyd" project.
The cylinders are of a in a varied states of decay, some are as new while other suffer from mould attacks due to incorrect storage, some have cracks and other age related shortcomings.
The meta-data accompanying the cylinders vary greatly, some have close to no meta-data whilst others have a lot of data associated. Most is handwritten and are notes of what recording is on the cylinder, where it was recorded, etc..
Often the recording speed of the cylinder is unknown, therefore some cylinders will exist as a number of digital objects, each recorded at different a speed.
Description of pattern
The pattern must facilitate a very varied combination of meta-data, both from a technical perspective as well as a descriptive. The data structure is unique to many of the cylinders, descriptions of what is recorded, by whom, where, when, why, etc. wary greatly, therefore the pattern must facilitate the inclusion of these heterogeneous data. The technical data is more structured and requires less flexibility since the recording equipment has a limited number of settings.
Problem description
The main identifiable problem is the structure of the descriptive meta-data, much of this is
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