Radio-TV Files (Grade)
In development
When creating a data-model where the objects are all of the same work,
Description of pattern
In bold font
Problem description
The File object correspond to a datafile in bitstorage. Each file is a chunk of recording, spanning a number of hours, and possible several channels. It has two relevant datastreams. "CONTENTS" contain the URL to the file in bitstorage. At present, the URL does not work, as there is no webserver configured at the location, but this is of no consequense for the current setup. When the webserver is established, the URLs will work, and no changes will be nessesary to the File objects in DOMS. "CHARACTERISATION" contain the technical metadata about the datafile. At present, there is no technical metadata, aside from a qualified guess at the format. The original Radio/TV system did not contain any technical metadata, and the files are much to big to be characterised within the current deadlines. As such, this datastream contain placeholder values to make the validator happy. File