DOMS start of iteration 7 meeting, 18/12/07
The ressourcedistribution have been finalized on the dwiki. Will start in week 2.
Report from iteration 6
The gentofte preingester is complete, not extensively tested yet. Hifi-revyen has been postponed indefinately. Low-power iterations turned out to be a bad idea, so in the future we will try longer iterations, spanning both lowpower and highpower periods.
Suggested iteration time plan
We have borrowed two SUMMA people, MKE, and TE. MKE will go on leave the 4. of february, so some things must be working before that. We hope to utilise them to get the SUMMA integration working in the first half of January. Vacation means that the only staff on the project until d. 8. of january will be KFC and MKE.
Planning of actions
We planned the new actions for the iteration. Three actions were picked up from iteration6. People were assigned to describe the actions, and as a special treat, were assured that they also would be carrying out the actions later on.
We need to push Drift now, to ensure that we get the Bitstorage system running, because we will need it soon enough.
The second newsletter have been written. BJA and BCD should comment or abstain before cristmas, so we can send it now. Mediegangen have scored 800k, which the plan on spending on a useful frontend for DOMS, tailored for their work. This will be done out of the house. We were pleased with these news.