2008-01-21 Iteration 7 Status Meeting
There is no agenda for this meeting as it was just called to check up on the status of the actions in iteration 7
1. Early Open-Sourcing of DOMS
This task has not been addressed yet.
2. Followup on Outstanding Datamodel Issues
FoxML objects have been created for all base types needed for ingestion of the "Bil", "MC" and "Båd" collection from Gentofte. Ingestion of the "Hi Fi" collection will be postponed as this collection cannot be ingested using these FoxML objects.
The DOMS datamode has been fully described in text, however, we still need a suitable formal language to describe the DOMS datatypes in a machine readable form.
Under the meeting the "Circular Relations" section in the data model led to confusion, as it states that circular references are forbidden in DOMS, which does not seem right.
3. Describe The Iteration Workflow and Make a Check-List
No description of the administrative work flows involved in an iteration has yet been made. Kåre or Thomas should do something about it ASAP to avoid further Wiki-anarchy.
4. Summa on a stick
"Summa on a Stick" is ready for use including instructions for installation and use.
This enables developers to install their Summa locally on their own machines. The local Summa can the index the contents of a locally installed DOMS and make it searchable.
The developer can set up Summa to use the official XSLTs for indexing and presentation from the SVN repository or to use local XSLTs under development.
5. Harvest DOMS to Summa
BAM has given up getting the OAI interface up and running. ABR chivalrously offered his help.
It is expected to take only a little effort to tweak the OAI interface to enable harvesting of the DOMS.
6. Index Representation Disseminators
A Fedora disseminator capable of returning a DOMS object, including all DOMS objects associated with it, has been developed. This works for all the Gentofte material except from the "Gentofte Yearbook" due to its need for reverse lookups. Knowledge about Kowari is needed in order to solve this problem and TE offered ABR a hand with this.
7. XSLTs From Index Representation to Summa Indexing/Presentation
No progress yet.
The plan is to adapt the XLSTs from the "Radioavis manuskript" project to make them usable for the DOMS project, and let librarians refine them for production use later on.
8. Bitstorage With Ingester
We have a preliminary 100 GB bit storage up and running on Halley. At the moment we also have full access to the machine with SSH, however, this will be closed when the bit storage is fully operational and we will then only be able to manipulate the bit storage through the scripts provided by IT.
The current version of the bit storage generally meet our requirements, however, we need to make IT find a solution to the 254 character limitation of file names. This issue will be addressed at the follow-up meeting with IT.
9. Release Test
The release test has been fully described, however, it has not yet been executed as the code is not ready yet.