2008-02-19 DOMS status meeting
Crisis plan for finishing iteration 7
Iteration 7 is now more than two weeks delayed. We need it done by the end of this week.
We have set Wednesday morning as deadline for start of release test.
Outstanding issues
- JRG+KFC finish writing XSLTs
- TE+ABR Lsat tweakings of Summa-stable: use correct xslt-stylesheet
- BAM+TE Strip IDs that right now start with doms:oai:doms: - can be removed in the two steps currently adding oai: og doms:
- ABR Finsih writing releasetest (error scenarios)
Other tasks
ABR will document use of Luke to inspect indexes in a relevant place in the Wiki.
BAM reviews datamodel-document
It would be nice if we could make the bit starge calls idempotent, that is: two successive calls would yield the same result. In particular, it would be nice if the result of trying to store the same file again, we would get OK if it has the same checksum.
ABR does a quick check that the bit storage scripts still work as intended.
Next iteration
Next iteration will focus on getting everything into production.
This requires:
- Coordination with IT department
- Documentation
- Integration with real Summa
- Scripts for automatic updates from DOMS (harvest/ingest)
Next milestone
For the next milestone, we will need to start with a re-planning and re-visioning meeting.
Issues that will have an impact on DOMS:
- The planned external delivery of a GUI
- Fedora 3.0