2008-05-26 DOMS Status Meeting
Status of iteration actions:
Wiki magic
ABR reports Wiki magic done.
The action pages now contain a description list, which will auto generate iteration list for each iteration, plus status in each task addressed.
Describe actions
Not started.
ABR has investigated spurious 401 errors, and cannot go any further without extra eyes to investigate.
Summa index has not yet been regenerated, so we cannot see if index changes work.
TSH and JRG had made notes about expected mile stones. Unfortunately, they were not yet on the wiki.
We discussed the proposed milestones.
The following comments were made:
Milstone 1: Should contain at least rough API as well, to get MjĂžlner started.
There were questions about surveillance and documentation mentioned in milestones.
At this point we were interrupted, since the meeting had dragged a bit. We decided to try to get ready for Monday with this iteration.