2008-06-16 DOMS Status Meeting
Iteration 9
Several iteration 9 actions are still open. The action about finishing MiniDOMS is allowed to remain open when we close (the rest of) iteration 9.
(See http://merkur/domswiki/Iteration09)
Iteration 10
Practical circumstances have caused some of the iteration 10 actions to be started, even though not all actions from iteration 9 are finished.
(See http://merkur/domswiki/Iteration10)
The future
On friday the 20th we will discuss how to set up fedora, to give access to DOMS, and we will evaluate the specification from Mjølner. In order to be able to do this, we will study different topics before the discussion:
bam+kfc: XACML
abr+jrg: journaling
kfc+abr: DEFF fedora 3
kfc+jrg: Mjølner specification