2008-10-06 Iteration 13 Status
0. Formalities
Present: ABR, EK, JRG, BAM
Present half of the meeting: TSH
Absent: KFC
Minute: BAM
1. Iteration 13
Action Metadata Standards (Priority 1)
- For the descriptive metadata: qualified Dublin Core
For preservation metadata, not easy. EK attended Premis meeting. Status: good for images, but audio and video seem to be lacking behind. EK has been looking at 'recommended elements'-list from Australian library; will send URL.
Question: what metadata is automatically generated and what is then missing?
Preservation metadata can be divided into:
- generation descriptive - mostly from Quadriga and similar
- file descriptive - mostly from characterisation tools
We still haven't decided a standard. And we are not sure what information Mjølner is missing. We need at least one internal meeting: EK, ABR, JRG meeting now 2008-10-06 11.00. And we need a meeting with Mjølner.
Action Import Export APIs (Priority 2)
KFC knows most about this action, and he is on holiday. None of the other action depend directly on this, so we will postpone this action 'till next week.
Action WSDL2 Java (Priority 3)
TSH is still busy with Pindar. ABR will update description with: Change testbed to give copies of WSDLs rather than genrating new ones. BAM will review and start action Tuesday.
Action System Documentation (Priority 4)
JRG is 'almost done'. API-A + API-M done. Still missing some return data structure descriptions. And still missing WSDL description (highest priority) and ofcourse review.
Action Update Datamodel Documentation (Priority 5)
ABR 'almost done'. Including 'thoughts behind' or 'intended use of DOMS'; see ActionUpdateDatamodelDocumentation. Missing 1-2 md + review (of a lot of pages).
Action View Datastream (Priority 6)
ABR and KFC have a plan! JRG will review action description, which has four suggested solution models. ABR says the solution is model 5.
2. AOB
What is our plans on Summa integration? and when?
The Summa integration work has been postponed til after the GUI work...