2008-12-01 DOMS status meeting
0. Who was there
JRG did the minutes
Iteration 15
Is over. We delivered friday 28th of Nov.
Iteration 16
We decided on the actions to be part of iteration 16 (weeks 49 + 50) - the final iteration before MjĂžlner's delivery of the GUI. The Bitstorage action from iteration 15 was extended (or split), so that we now also have an action for coding what's needed to connect with the real BitStorage, as well as an action concerning the final agreements with maintenance. Most of the other actions were continued from iteration 15, with a few priorities changed (mainly based on the fact that the most important parts of some actions had been done). Also, an action was added for making content models and templates for example objects. EK will work on the example objects themselves. As soon as content models and templates for a collection have been completed by developers, EK will try using an installation of the latest DOMS GUI to enter and edit example objects. Exciting. The priorities of different example collections were discussed, and we decided on the sequence in which to complete them.