2008-12-16 DOMS Planning Day
0. Who is here?
EK, TSH, JRG, ABR, PKO, BAM (+ 1 student from Information and Media Studies)
Minutes: BAM
1. Agenda
The agenda for the DOMS planning day is loosely this:
- We have some requests from the house:
- set up a DOMS + DOMS-GUI for in-house user tests
put the 'The Danish Newspapers' in to a DOMS and make it accessible through Summa
- Update risk analysis + stakeholder analysis
- Is there some input from the final MjĂžlner user test, that should be considered?
The minutes will follow this list:
- DOMS Art: Overview of the ideal DOMS; where are we now; where are we going?
- How Many Systems?
- Discussions
2. DOMS Art
We decided to start by drawing 'the ideal DOMS' on the whiteboard.
The red numbers on the different modules indicate 'how much have we done now?'
The black numbers on the different modules indicate 'how much is necessary to make 'The Danish Newspapers' accessible?'
The green numbers on the different modules indicate 'how much is necessary to set up the in house test system?'
These numbers are also summarized on the first part of this page.
3. 'The Danish Newspapers'
What is needed to be able to put 'The Danish Newspapers' into a DOMS?
- Content models
- Maybe templates. If we use the same pre-ingest framework we used for the yearbooks, we need a different kind of templates...
- ABR assessed we are talking less than 1000 objects...
- EK, HL, PKO will set up a meeting; maybe this friday; otherwise january
Can 'The Danish Newspapers' use the (gui-object-manipulation), object-manipulation, bit-storage, file-characterizer web service chain directly, or do we want to build a bulk-ingest module? We decided that since this collection is small, it will work. We can then do some performance tests, and if needed build a mass-ingest module for the next collections.
4. How Many Systems?
How many systems are we talking about? I think we agreed that we now have 4 different systems:
- the mini-DOMS with the yearbook collection (old data model)
mini-DOMS II with 'The Danish Newspapers' (no GUI)
- testbed + DOMS-GUI for test purposes (no Summa integration, no bit storage)
- 'true DOMS' under development
5. Discussions
- Discussed access-control and licenses. This is however not one of the highest priorities, so we can settle this discussion later.
- Discussed the 4 web-services:
- gui-object-manipulation: Should this functionality be moved to the GUI?
- object-manipulation
- bit-storage
Should the 3 last services be combined to 1? I think our lunch-discussion ended up with a no, but the file characterizer should be used by object-manipulation rather than bit-storage!
Generated list of 'maintenance-agreements still to do' on the whiteboard
and we talked about active bit-preservation...
- We discussed how important validation was, and agreed since this is Fedora3 work, it is important!
6. AOB
- ABR and JRG had a small meeting with JHLJ about setting up a DOMS + DOMS-GUI for test purposes before Christmas.
- The expected Open Source license for both DOMS and DOMS-GUI is Apache 2.0. And Open Source should also be on the agenda.
- The meeting will be continued tomorrow 2008-12-17.
A short meeting with BJA produced this priority list
DAY 2: The meeting 2008-12-17 produced a time estimate for the DOMS-beta
- Fedora3 project time (ABR): My (BAM) notes say Fedora for DOMS will be upgraded on Fedora3 project time and the Validator is estimated 14 md, also Fedora3 project time.